FFP 003: Accountability Tools That will Change Your Life

Powerful Life-Changing Accountability Tools

This third episode of The Future Focused Podcast examines how we can be better accountable to fulfilling our goals and building the daily habits needed to design a dynamic life.

I share several systems that you can employ immediately to start making progress on your goals and resolutions, including: The Tom Hanks Method, Accountability Partners, The Utility Bill Method, Event Deadlines, The Kaizen Way, and more.

I also share some amazing resources, tools, and apps you can use to level-up and get an edge on making significant progress.

I emphasis the concepts: that we must master our devices, or they will master us, where we find success, we also find consistency, and discipline can be strengthened with clarity and repetition.

You are going to enjoy this podcast and immediately begin to take action and get results with all you learn.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Moleskine Journal: This is the journal Kelly uses to brainstorm, plan, set goals, and stay on track.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss, is one of the books Kelly is reading right now.

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanely

Apps I use for accountability and habits: Things 3, Coach.me, Commit to 3, Time, Forest, Evernote, Day One, Scrivener, Udemy, Hootsuite, Pocket,

Thanks for taking time out of your busy week to get FOCUSED on your FUTURE.


Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)



FFP 002: Goal Setting Workshop: How to Set Goals to Change Your Life

The Future Focused Podcasts Episode 2: A 20 Minute Goal Setting Workshop

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast Kelly will guide you through a powerful goal setting workshop. He will show you how to get your goals down on paper and prioritize them into a workable plan. This workshop will help put you on the path to a life you will be excited about living and offer you the ability to make a meaningful impact in the people you love.

Goal setting is an art the Kelly has been practicing for decades.

Whether this is your first time setting goals, or whether you are a veteran goal setter, this podcast will provide some great take-aways and value to help plan your year.

Mentioned in this podcast:

Moleskine Journal: This is the journal Kelly uses to brainstorm, plan, set goals, and stay on track.

The Daily Stoic: This is Kelly’s Favorite Book from 2017.

Special Index Cards To-do List: This is what I use to use with a special lined surface on front & back.

Things 3: A To-Do App for Mobile Devices

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. 

Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 



One Simple Change for a Lifetime of Results: The Kaizen Way

Kelly Croy Productivity Speaker Writer Artist kaizen

The Kaizen Way is a concept that I believe can dramatically impact your personal and professional life without stress, guilt, and anxiety. It’s simple and effective. It leap frogs fear and procrastination and gets results. 

I recently asked a friend if he had any resolutions for the new year and he replied, “Yes, I plan to do one push-up a day.”

I smiled, knowing there had to be more to the story, and I asked, “One? That’s a bit small isn’t it?”

My friend then introduced me to the concept of the Kaizen Way. He explained to me that when he gets down on the floor to complete his one push-up for the day that he always does a few more than just the one.  He doesn’t overthink what he has to do. He doesn’t worry about how he is going to fit three sets of forty pushups into his schedule, or anything like that.  He just gets down on the floor and does his one push up aiming for improvement.  It’s simple. It’s neat. It works.

This is a new area of focus for him. He doesn’t already have a massive amount of upper body strength, so doing some pushups every day of the year will be a big boost. The word “kaizen” is the Japanese word for improvement. It was once poorly applied in the workplace as forcibly making employees discover and apply constant improvement, all the way from the head of the company down to the newly hired, to a point of creating a work environment of stress and undue pressure. Kaizen, or constant improvement is a great concept, but I like my friend’s version better because it eliminates the stress and allows the participant to self-assess and reflect on how deeply to apply the improvement. This contemporary version of The Kaizen Way is personal and enchanting. In essence, the Kaizen Way asks you to take one small step each day to make an improvement in your life. 

I decided to try this concept of the Kaizen Way in my own life. You see I own a guitar, but I do not know how to play it. I have always wanted to learn. I have thought about lessons, and books, and YouTube videos, and other educational tools, but success always eluded me. 

Why haven’t I been able to learn anything on the guitar? Easy.  I haven’t really tried. The process itself stops me cold: get the guitar out of the closet, take it out of the case, use the tuning app on my iPhone to tune it, start the lesson, practice, put it all away, etc. No wonder I have never learned even a little bit of how to play the guitar. The key of course has been to simplify the process and redefine what I need to do.  Yes, this is a mind trick. 

This year I applied the Kaizen Way to my desire of learning to play the guitar. I decided I would learn to play just one chord a day. Just one chord. That’s it.  Guess what happened?  In a matter of a few weeks I have learned a couple of chords! They aren’t the greatest sounding chords in the world, but it is more than I have learned in my entire life of owning that guitar due entirely to my friend’s simple explanation of this Kaizen concept. 

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I took the guitar out of the case and keep it in plain sight. I have to walk by it now. I see it, I grab it, and I play a chord. I have actually never played just one chord; I always play a few. It’s working. I don’t set a timer or anything like that. It’s a carefree exercise that is building a habit of improvement and it’s enjoyable and relaxing. That’s really the secret; the Kaizen Way builds habits. It simplifies the process, leapfrogs the fear, and builds positive habits without guilt. 

Setting goals and making plans is great. There are many places in our life for rigor. Sometimes, however, we need to relax and apply small bits of improvement without the anxiety of multi-step procedures, timed intervals, and measured improvement. 

Imagine if we all took one very small action each day to be a better neighbor, a little more productive at work, or to read just a page of a book. Well, don’t just imagine it, apply the Kaizen Way to your life and see how it works for you.  

If you would like to learn more about how to apply this concept to your personal and professional life, grab a copy of the book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer.

(Note: A thank you to Michael Matera for introducing me to The Kaizen Way.)

Kelly Croy 

Speaker, Artist and Educator

Invite Kelly to speak at your event!




The Importance of Celebrating Others

Nobody wants to be around people who just tolerate them.

Everbody loves to be around people who celebrate them.

Leadership is a skill which can be learned and taught, and one of the most important lessons is celebrating the success of others.

It’s a refreshing change in a “Me First” world: First and foremost, celebrating others is not only the right thing to do, it places those who practice this unique and powerful craft at the top 1% of people others want to be around. It’s easy to celebrate others and it doesn’t have to cost anything. In an age where “selfies” are the mainstream of social media, celebrating others is a refreshing change of pace. People are enchanted by those who place others above themselves. The greats practice celebrating others. Oprah, Ellen, Jimmy Fallon are all quick to congratulate and share the success of those they are around. We love it! We love seeing others genuinely happy about the success of others.Click to Read More

Why You Must Build a Leadership Factory

Leadership Factory

The journey toward wisdom is an essential quality of leadership, and a big part of acquiring wisdom is surrounding yourself with quality people each and every day. Some of you may have a choice in who will be part of your team or inner circle, so make your decisions carefully. Others will not have a choice of whom they will work closely with and lead. Regardless, wisdom is gained by not only making good choices, but nurturing everyone you work with into becoming world-class leaders. Grow the realm of your wisdom and invest in cultivating leadership. Create a leadership factory within your organization and produce leaders.

Help others become leaders by giving them leadership roles or responsibilities. Let them know they are leading and give them a framework to work within.   Tell them, “You will be

 leading our organization on this area.  I know you can do it. I want to give you plenty of freedom on this, but I do need a report or update on where you are at at close of each day and we certainly want to have this project completed by this date.” I know so many micromanagers that need to control too much of the organization that they never give anyone the opportunity to lead, to fail, to grow. Then they wonder why they have no leadership. You have to grow leaders and nurture them.

Offer those around you mentors to help them become better leaders, and by all means be an excellent and available role model yourself. Surround them with books, audio recordings, video, and other resources to help them become leaders. Make all of these resources easily available.  Send them to conferences, invite speakers, leave them notes of encouragement and helpful tips to follow. I have spoken at many workshops and provided leadership training and the comments are always the same, “I wish we would have done this sooner.” Leadership is something you have to manufacture. Start your leadership factory today.

Invite those you lead to reflect on leadership by writing an article for the newsletter or blog. Consider asking the promising leader to organize and lead a presentation on something they are all doing well. Ask their opinion about leadership topics and books they are reading on the topic. Engaging in this dialogue will highlight the importance of the qualities you want.

By all means, recognize those who lead. This will encourage everyone. Make leadership important and something that is identified and recognized. When recognition is implemented correctly it can increase retention, decrease absence, raise production, improve quality, change attitudes, and in general create a momentum of success and positive energy.

What ideas do you have about building a leadership factory within your organization? How will you prepare, train, equip, and acknowledge leaders? How will you design and build your leadership factory?

Leave your ideas in the comments below.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



Book Review: The Encore Effect by Mark Sanborn

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I just finished Mark Sanborn’s book The Encore Effect: How to Achieve Remarkable Performance in Anything You Do. I highly recommend it to you, regardless of your occupation, because we should all be striving to improve, and The Encore Effect delivers.

Mark Sanborn is an amazing speaker, and his National Bestseller The Fred Factor is one of my favorite reads. I was excited to read The Encore Effect because I knew it would assist me on my quest to become a great speaker and performer, but like all good books, the lessons I learned applied to every aspect of my life. The Encore Effect improved not only my speaking, but helped be a better father, husband, educator, and artist. I highly recommend it not only for you, but for your entire team.

The Encore Effect highlights five areas for remarkable results: passion, preparation, practice, performance, and polish. In-depth explanations and engaging stories are aligned with
each of the five points to hammer the lesson home in a fun and memorable way . This book really helped me reflect on some areas I really needed to improve on to raise my game and improve my life and career.

At 130 pages it makes a perfect traveling companion, and is loaded with take aways.  I’m adding The Encore Effect to my required reading list for those I mentor and coach, as well as my family. Everyone wants to raise their game, but not everyone knows how. The Encore Effect will offer you the edge you seek. Read and apply.

I encourage you to consider booking Mark Sanborn as a speaker for your next event, sign-up for his newsletter, or follow him on Twitter. He is an incredible guy, with some great advice.

To learn more about The Encore Effect visit Mark’s website: http://www.encoreeffect.com 


Always forward,


Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here.

Nothing More Important Than The Return

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Nothing is more important than the return.  Nothing.

There is a wonderful Japanese proverb that captures the importance of ‘the return’ quite simply: “Fall down seven times, get up eight.”

Going for a run is easily accomplished. Waking up the next day sore and tired and choosing to run again is a bit more of a challenge. The return. 

Sitting down and pounding the first several hundred words to a novel is simple. Sitting down day after day until it’s finished is a rarity. The return. 

Dieting for one day is fairly easy. Maintaing the diet long enough to see the results you want is an effort. The return. 

Returning is the key to success. The more often you return the better the results, and the more quickly they’ll be obtained.

Starting is essential. Start small. But returning regularly is the key. Focus on the return. It will pay off.

Returning also sends a message, “I’m serious about what I want to accomplish.” It lets everyone know you have just stepped away from dabbling and hobbies. It also sends a message to others about your character and mindset. People who return are the leaders, the visionaries, the few who accomplish much.

Making a return at any task or goal builds momentum and carries over to other ventures.

Where do you need to return?

It won’t be easy to return, especially if it’s been awhile, but it will be worth it.

Nothing is more important than the return.  Nothing.

Kelly Croy is a chalk artist and keynote speaker.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

including corporations, schools, churches, conferences,

and anywhere people come together to be entertained and inspired.

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



You’re Blowing It!

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You’re Blowing it!

It’s not procrastination. That sounds too sophisticated.

You’re not stalling. That’s just too nice.

You’re blowing it! You are about to miss a once in a lifetime opportunity because you are more interested in reading your Twitter Feed or updating your current Facebook status.

Life is short and we all have goals and dreams. We work toward them or we don’t. When we don’t achieve our dreams we make excuses and cover up our inaction with niceties. We act like we will eventually get there and that everything is going to be fine.

Well, what if you’re wrong? Live your life without regrets and get your dreams on the production line.

You need help? Great. We can do that. We can find you the resources you need. (And you won’t.) We’ll locate any needed backers. (You don’t really need that either.) And we will guide you around every other excuse you are prepared to make. (And you will.) But, we cannot tell you what your dream is, and ask you to get started.  That little bit of magic is the fuel for the entire dream.

Throw perfection out the window and aim for progress. Dream big but when creating settle for completion. You can always work on a part two later. ‘Finished’ is a beautiful word.

Look in the mirror. Are you blowing it or are you getting started?

Kelly Croy is a chalk artist and keynote speaker.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

including corporations, schools, churches, conferences,

and anywhere people come together to be entertained and inspired.

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.

