How to Introduce Someone: Make it Memorable

I’ve been in awkward situations when someone didn’t properly introduce me to someone in the room. It happens. I’m not shy, so I stick my hand out and introduce myself. Introductions don’t have to be complicated, but there are some tricks to giving a good one.

When it’s our turn to introduce someone, let’s agree to do it the right way. In fact, let’s create a memorable introduction.

Here’s a short excerpt from my book, Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership at Any Age:

How to Introduce Someone:
There are three types of introductions: good, bad, and memorable. In order to create a memorable introduction you must complete six important steps:

1) Say their name and often. Say their whole name clearly and slowly. Say it several times in conversation.

2) Put your hand on the shoulder of the person you are talking about, or gesture toward that person.

3) Look into the eyes of the person you are speaking to, not about.

4) State how you know the person.

5) State something they do incredibly well professionally.

6) State something else about the person that is positive and engaging.

Then you do the same for the other person.

The result is amazing. The two will learn each other’s name, have some admiration for each other, realize how they can network, and have something to talk about. Also, each will admire you for speaking so highly of them. That’s a memorable introduction.

Ideally your introduction looks like you are showcasing a dear friend and presenting them to someone else to have in their life. The hand on the shoulder, the eye contact, the three statements you make about the person, all combine into a memorable introduction. You can now walk away and rest assured the two will be able continue on without you. Click to Read More

Becoming an Authentic Leader

Kelly Croy Speaker Leadership

If you assembled all of the people you know, together in one room, would they describe the same person?

Authenticity isn’t about being perfect, but it has everything to do with integrity and reliability. Living an authentic life is paramount to maintaing your credibility as a leader and leaving a lasting impact on others. We trust and admire those who live authentic lives. Leaders are people who live by a set of core values regardless of the circumstances, and regardless who is around. 

We can’t follow someone who is hypocritical or a charlatan. 

Authenticity is about who you say you are, who people say you are, and who you really are. Tell me what you truly value, not what you say you value, or pretend you value, and I’ll tell you what kind of person you will become. 

Authenticity is the glue that holds leadership together. Without authenticity a leader falls apart. Nothing will weaken your impact more, or destroy your accomplishments faster than a breach of trust or a lapse in your integrity. 

Be quick to correct a lapse in authenticity.  Do not assume others didn’t notice.  Don’t think you can cover it up. You aren’t correcting it for them anyway, you are correcting it for yourself. 

A friend of mine graduated from the Naval Academy, where authenticity is ingrained into each and every graduate. We went out to eat with some friends once and he was given the incorrect change. He was calculating the error as we were leaving the restaurant. He told us he had to go back in and fix the error. A buddy of ours pointed out that the error was in his favor. He was given too much money back! He replied, “I know! I have to get back in there.” The overpayment was for thirty cents, but he explained that someone at some point was going to have to account for that thirty cents and that doing the right thing, every time, is without equal. 

A person with integrity doesn’t do the right once in awhile, not most of the time, and not just when others see it. The authentic leader does the right thing every single time. Sure, he will make mistakes, but once he knows he has, he will immediately move to correct it.

During my college football practices the team had to run warm-up laps around the field. While running those laps a few of the guys would round off the corners of the field. They didn’t go all the way around the corner, and shaved off a few feet and some time and energy. They didn’t stay outside the white line like we were told. It was easier to round the corner off.

Well, our line coach would yell. “Hey! You cheat on these laps and you’ll cheat on your wife! You cheat on these laps and you’ll cheat your whole life.” It had a nice rhyme and by midway through camp we’d all repeat it once he started and no one ever rounded a corner again.

I still remember that lesson today. There is a lot of truth to it. To cheat in life you have to start somewhere. I’m pretty certain that the guy with a gun robbing a bank probably started smaller, and this isn’t his first time. Did he take a nickel off his brother’s dresser when he was little? Did he steal a paperclip from a teacher’s desk growing up? Graduate to taking classmates’ lunch money? It had to start somewhere!

You aren’t born with integrity. Sure we’re innocent enough when we are little. Integrity, trustworthiness, and loyalty are qualities you build upon your entire life. They’re like bank accounts. Every time you keep your word, and do the right thing you make a deposit. When you lie and cheat, well… you make withdraws from your authenticity and you put yourself at risk to become potentially bankrupt in authenticity. Work at being authentic.

Leaders don’t just look the part; they live it. 

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.




Book Title and Cover Announcement

HR Along Came A Leader  High ResolutionI am pleased to announce the title of my nonfiction book on leadership: Along Came a Leader, as well as the cover design. 

I have been speaking and sharing insights on leadership to organizations of all sizes, for many years. I am proud to have shared my art and words across the nation and help make a difference.

 It has been a dream of mine to organize my concepts, keynotes and articles on leadership into a book. I have been working on this dream for many years. This summer I completed this dream.

The complete title is Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership.

Along Came a Leader is being converted into a mobile format to first be shared as Kindle eBook then on to the iBookStore and other mobile formats.  In the upcoming weeks I will announce a Kickstarter Campain to help

fund a printed version of the book. I will offer incentives for supporting the campaign such as your name as a patron inside the printed version as well as copies of the printed book, an audio version, signed art prints, and more. My goal is to get printed versions of this important book on leadership in the hands of students and organizations that desperately wish to influence and nuture future leaders.

Everyone will be notified when each version of the book is available. At the moment I am just excited to celebrate this moment of accomplishment and share it with you. It always feels great to finish.

Everyone agrees that leadership is important. Parents tell me this. Business owners tell me this. Coaches, teachers, athletes, managers, college recruiters, teachers, professors… and everyone I have ever met, all agree that leadership not only makes a difference, it IS the difference. All of them, it seems, believes the other will take care of the teaching and training of leadership. Even fewer seem to know where to begin. My book, Along Came a Leader, was written to remedy this problem and help forge new leaders that will indeed make a difference.

HR Along Came A Leader  High Resolution

How to Advertise… to Yourself!

Self talk

You may not be aware of it but you are advertising to yourself every minute of the day. I’m talking about those little comments that you say to yourself. Everyone engages in self talk, whether it is audible or just thoughts inside our head. We need to be careful about what we say, because it is more powerful than the billions spent each year on commercial advertising.

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book:

I read a wonderful book years ago on sports’ psychology titled Toughness Training for Sports by James E. Loher. In it, I learned that the majority of our self-talk is negative.  The author emphasizes that negative self-talk is damaging and that positive self-talk improves the success of Olympic and professional athletes.  This is huge, because we can change our self-talk and practice giving ourselves a great advantage.


What we say to ourselves is far more damaging than any criticism from others. Be intentional about how you talk to yourself and 

about yourself. 


Sometimes this negative self-talk is picked up by others.  They hear us talk to ourselves.  They hear the “I blew that one!”, “I suck!”, and the occasionally “I’m an idiot!”.  Some people are even posting their failures on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. 

You don’t have to go around bragging all of the time, but why advertise failures?  Turn that loss into a lesson and post what you learned.  Work at making the majority of your self talk positive.  


The expert suggests replacing, “Crap! I always miss that shot!” with “Next time I’m going to nail that shot!” 


You must learn to make positive statements about yourself and when talking to others. 

You might be surprised by who is actually listening to the comments you think you are only making to yourself, and even if they can’t our bodies do indeed project what we say to it. I can see “Crap! I always miss that shot!” on a person’s face as easily as I can hear it. 

Feed yourself doses of positive self talk and begin to be amazed at your results. Talking positive and creating some default positive mantras has been a major source of productivity and success for me personally. I also attest that doing so has helped me to create a winning attitude. People will always choose to follow and spend time with someone positive over someone negative any day of the week. 


You have to discipline yourself and work at how you communicate with yourself. Make a challenge or game out of it.  Positive self talk will directly impact your dealing with others, your attitude, your tenacity, and most importantly how you think, especially when confronting a challenge.  


Practice makes perfect! What you say while playing a game will later on impact what you say at the office or on the field. Identify some key phrases you know you make and shouldn’t as well as some situations in which you make them. It might sound easy to but it takes some focused effort and discipline. 


Please know that when I am talking about self-talk, I am not just referring to what you say out loud.  I also mean those little negative comments you make to yourself in your head. Those count just as much as what you say out loud. When you catch yourself feeding your mind junk, replace it with a positive thought and statement. It works!


You need to work on positive self talk and eliminate negative self-talk entirely.  Be your own public relations worker.  Get the message out there that you are confident, successful, and have a winning attitude.  You need to sound like a leader. 


Mantras, Slogans, and Mottos


Positive self talk is used by top executives, professional and Olympic Sports athletes, and by corporations. We can use it too. Create a mantra, slogan, motto, or creed to live by, or adopt someone else’s you admire until you do.

I believe every organization should have a slogan and most importantly they should live up to it. There is nothing worse than having something arrive late from someone proclaiming to be fast and on time. You know what I mean. Live by the words you use as your motto. 

I cannot help but think that much of my success stems from my Tuesday night Boy Scout meetings. Every Tuesday at seven o’clock I pledged to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight.  Furthermore, I took a weekly Oath and recited the twelve points of the Scout Law. 


Every Sunday I recited my Christian Creed aloud with my fellow Parishioners, as well as each night and morning. 


The words we use matter, whether we are using them to describe others or ourselves. We need to communicate these meanings very carefully and intentionally. Write and recite your creed regularly. We become what we envision. We become what we say.


Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



Shoot for the Moon


Moon Landing: July 20, 1969. This marvelous accomplishment of human exploration encourages all of us to take one small step toward some big goal today. Today. A reminder that anything is possible. 

Still doubting yourself? Consider this, you have more resources in your hand right now and at your disposal, than NASA did then, and I imagine your goal is somewhat less challenging than a moonshot. Get after it.

Here’s How to Launch Your Dream:

  • Define The Mission: What is it that you want to accomplish? What is your vision? Keep it short. Write it down. I recommend writing a sentence or two about what you want to accomplish and what it will mean to you and others if you succeed. Set a completion date. Don’t alter it. Keep moving forward. 

  • Outline the Plan: Define what steps need to be accomplished and by when. Outline all the resources you have at your disposal. Do everything you can not to create a list of resources you need as this is a trap and will delay you from your goal.
  • Build Your Team: Figure out who you have at your disposal that can help you. Reach out to them in a very brief email or phone call.  Explain what you want to do and ask them for their small contribution. 
  • Fuel Up: You need some rocket fuel. Become absolutely decided in this venture and create emotional leverage of what accomplishing this will mean for you and others. Don’t make this a hobby, make this a destination that you will travel to with daily intention and work.  Gather whatever you can immediately and begin knowing you will finish. 
  • Countdown: Have your date to be completed firmly established. Nothing will stand in the way of the launch. There will be no delays or setbacks. You need no funds or resources. Move forward. If you can set a countdown timer on your phone so you know the due date.  I have a countdown app for this. Work every single day regardless of location or circumstance. 
  • Launch: Begin the work. Work every day. Do not stop. Whatever you have when the due date is finished, ship and announce it. Publish, post, share, whatever you can when you hit your deadline. Be proud of your progress. 
  • Celebrate: You really must celebrate what you have accomplished. Do something for yourself with someone you love to celebrate the accomplishment. 
  • Reflect: You need time to think about all that went well, what didn’t, and all you learned. Apply these lessons to your next project. 
  • Set a new Goal: Do it all again. Begin a new project. 


Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.


He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation


with his art and words. 


Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



Declaring Your Independence!


We all know Independence Day is July 4th.  Other than our birthday and our mom’s, it’s the most important birthday to know. While celebrating our country’s freedom during the month of July, I challenge you to free yourself from something that is taxing you and holding you back. 

While any day is a great day to make yourself better, July does offer us that halfway point of the year to reflect. It is a great opportunity to declare “halftime” and see what we have accomplished and what we need to get after before the year ends. 

Have you worked hard this year? With six months to go it is indeed halftime. Celebrate your accomplishments, make needed adjustments, and win.  Ask yourself my favorite three questions: What do I need to keep doing? What do I need to stop doing? What do I need to start doing?

Whether you decide to live a healthier lifestyle, be a little more frugal, or work on a dream or bucket list, the fourth can be a day you look forward to for your personal independence. Give yourself this gift. Give your future self this gift. Each year, look back and celebrate the freedoms you have given yourself. 

Freedom from financial worry, a health crisis, stagnation are all possible with action.  In life there is always someplace to go. There is no summit.  Keep moving forward.  Movement is life itself. 

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


What You Don’t Say


What you don’t say, says the most about you.

“Those who gossip to you, gossip about you,” is one of my favorite sayings. I remember it whenever anyone tries to entice me with a piece of gossip. I simply excuse myself. Usually, I say, “You’ll have to excuse me. I don’t know the whole story.”  And that’s really the point, isn’t it?  We never really know the whole story. So, why do people automatically want to jump on the less flattering and negative side? I guess we know why, and that tells us much about their character.

Our world has never had a greater ability to communicate than we do today. We communicate through social networking, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, texts, emails, and even video chatting, and more. Still, we find gossip and ill-will, more often than not, at the center of communication. Sad. It seems our ability to communicate has unfortunately improved our ability to gossip.

“Gossip is as hard to unspread as butter, ” another of my favorite quotes and it’s as accurate as it is funny. I see too many people’s lives being harmed by gossip and rumoring. Our digital age is adding a permanence to much of it and creating a so-called digital footprint.  Leaders must work to take care of their digital footprint and teach future generations to do the same.

Still, gossip is gossip no matter the form. We cannot allow a digital format to hold any more credence than word of mouth especially when its sole purpose is to harm. What we say and do behind others’ backs says more about our own character than it does about the person we are talking about. Gossiping is poison for any organization or leader. There is nothing but trouble to be gained by continuing a rumor or talking poorly about someone.

Parents and educators teach their children not to gossip and organizational leaders must teach it as well.

I encourage leaders to put an end to gossip in their personal lives and in their organization. Teach leadership that discourages all gossip and rumoring.  Address it outright by letting your people know, “we don’t talk like that here. That’s not what we’re about.”  Don’t assume that it is “understood” that gossiping is against our vision, make it clear.

“A man or woman should always be remembered by their best qualities,” another of my favorite quotes. When something negative comes up about someone else I choose to walk away or mention one of their endearing qualities. You can use a positive phrase to let someone know you’re uninterested in gossiping. For instance, when someone starts with a negative comment you can reply with some positive truth about the person, like, “Well, he sure knows a lot about marketing and gave a fantastic presentation last week.” They will get the idea.

We would think that adults would have a profound understanding about the dangers and improprieties of gossip,  but that is sadly not the case. Gossiping about others is bullying, a waste of creative energy, a cause of inefficiency and trouble in the workplace, and a count against a leader’s character.

Leaders make no room for gossip.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Why You Must Build a Leadership Factory

Leadership Factory

The journey toward wisdom is an essential quality of leadership, and a big part of acquiring wisdom is surrounding yourself with quality people each and every day. Some of you may have a choice in who will be part of your team or inner circle, so make your decisions carefully. Others will not have a choice of whom they will work closely with and lead. Regardless, wisdom is gained by not only making good choices, but nurturing everyone you work with into becoming world-class leaders. Grow the realm of your wisdom and invest in cultivating leadership. Create a leadership factory within your organization and produce leaders.

Help others become leaders by giving them leadership roles or responsibilities. Let them know they are leading and give them a framework to work within.   Tell them, “You will be

 leading our organization on this area.  I know you can do it. I want to give you plenty of freedom on this, but I do need a report or update on where you are at at close of each day and we certainly want to have this project completed by this date.” I know so many micromanagers that need to control too much of the organization that they never give anyone the opportunity to lead, to fail, to grow. Then they wonder why they have no leadership. You have to grow leaders and nurture them.

Offer those around you mentors to help them become better leaders, and by all means be an excellent and available role model yourself. Surround them with books, audio recordings, video, and other resources to help them become leaders. Make all of these resources easily available.  Send them to conferences, invite speakers, leave them notes of encouragement and helpful tips to follow. I have spoken at many workshops and provided leadership training and the comments are always the same, “I wish we would have done this sooner.” Leadership is something you have to manufacture. Start your leadership factory today.

Invite those you lead to reflect on leadership by writing an article for the newsletter or blog. Consider asking the promising leader to organize and lead a presentation on something they are all doing well. Ask their opinion about leadership topics and books they are reading on the topic. Engaging in this dialogue will highlight the importance of the qualities you want.

By all means, recognize those who lead. This will encourage everyone. Make leadership important and something that is identified and recognized. When recognition is implemented correctly it can increase retention, decrease absence, raise production, improve quality, change attitudes, and in general create a momentum of success and positive energy.

What ideas do you have about building a leadership factory within your organization? How will you prepare, train, equip, and acknowledge leaders? How will you design and build your leadership factory?

Leave your ideas in the comments below.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.
