Declaring Your Independence!


We all know Independence Day is July 4th.  Other than our birthday and our mom’s, it’s the most important birthday to know. While celebrating our country’s freedom during the month of July, I challenge you to free yourself from something that is taxing you and holding you back. 

While any day is a great day to make yourself better, July does offer us that halfway point of the year to reflect. It is a great opportunity to declare “halftime” and see what we have accomplished and what we need to get after before the year ends. 

Have you worked hard this year? With six months to go it is indeed halftime. Celebrate your accomplishments, make needed adjustments, and win.  Ask yourself my favorite three questions: What do I need to keep doing? What do I need to stop doing? What do I need to start doing?

Whether you decide to live a healthier lifestyle, be a little more frugal, or work on a dream or bucket list, the fourth can be a day you look forward to for your personal independence. Give yourself this gift. Give your future self this gift. Each year, look back and celebrate the freedoms you have given yourself. 

Freedom from financial worry, a health crisis, stagnation are all possible with action.  In life there is always someplace to go. There is no summit.  Keep moving forward.  Movement is life itself. 

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Whistle While You Work: Leaders Make it fun!

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Whistle While You Work

Your level of self-motivation and passion will directly impact and influence those you lead. Yep! That’s your attitude. Attitude is one of the six essential qualities of a leader.

How many times have you said, “I can’t do that!” or worse, “I don’t want to do that!”? There are a lot of unpleasant jobs that need to be done in every area of our life. We have a choice.  We can choose to do them with a negative attitude or a positive attitude.  It really is that simple. Having a good attitude ensures the job will be done well and the time will move quickly.  All will benefit from a good attitude.

I have worked for some leaders that really thought there were certain jobs beneath them to do.  They saw themselves as sitting high on a throne ordering others to do the dirty work. I have had other leaders jump right in with me to help get the job done.  Guess which one I admired more and had more loyalty?  Guess which one I want to follow? It’s not the one yelling at me to do it, it’s the one working with me to get the job done.

We we can either work for bosses or we work we can work with leaders.  We have to do what our boss says, and we want to do what a leader says. Big difference, and it’s all in the attitude.

I remember when I was young I had to do a lot of jobs that just seemed absolutely horrible.  On one such occasion my father brought home a huge load of wood that needed to be sawed and split for our wood-burning stove. The pile of wood looked like a mountain.  There was no way I could do it alone.  My dad explained to me how the job would build character and muscle.  He told me how we could save money heating the house with the wood.  Nothing he said, however, changed my attitude. This job was beneath me, in my mind, and something that I wanted no part of at all.

All of my friends that weekend were watching the big ball game and here I was stuck behind the house on a freezing-cold day cutting and sorting wood.  I had the worst attitude in the world.  My dad had other work to do and I was left alone.

Lucky for me my brother surprised us with a visit home.  He found me in the back yard mumbling about the work I had to do.  I was doing it slowly and poorly.  In just a few seconds my brother had turned the entire chore into a fun game.  He had a wonderful knack for doing that.  He was a true leader.  We put the ball game on the radio and made a contest out of the work. I remember my brother making up this silly song parody on “The Devil Came Down to Georgia” about our job.  In my brother’s version it was our hometown, not Georgia and the contest wasn’t fiddling, it was…splitting wood. I laughed so hard my side hurt. The job was completed in no time at all, I enjoyed it, and I did a good job.  Dad was happy. I learned a valuable lesson that day.

What seemed like an agonizing job ended up being one of the most memorable weekends with my brother.  We traded stories, laughed, and had a good time. I learned a lot about leadership that weekend.  Many hands really does lighten the load, and a good attitude makes the work go by faster.  You really do better work with a great attitude too.

My brother did not have to help me, but by doing so he showed me the importance of the job and how to do it right. My brother still leads that way, and so do I. As the general manager of a prominent hotel, he had over twenty managers to do any job needed, but time after time, I have witnessed my brother leading from the front and doing even the most menial job himself. He always has a great attitude and that sets the tone for everyone that works for him.

My dad was right too.  All winter long when we heated that house I felt proud of cutting all the wood.  My dad usually complained about the bills in the house, but that winter every time a heating bill arrived, he sang my praises to everyone in the family about how my hard work saved the family money. It was one of the first times I really felt like a man in our family.

Doing a job well is only half of the job.  You have to do it with a great attitude.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


How to Make Recognition Work!

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Recognition is an important part of leadership. It can do wonders for your corporation, school or family. When recognition is implemented correctly it can increase retention, decrease absence, raise production, improve quality, change attitudes, and in general create a momentum of success and positive energy.

It has been wisely stated that a great leader humbly accepts the failures of his organization as his own, and passes any praise and success on as the accomplishments of his colleagues. In addition,  I have always been reminded that a great leader criticizes in private and praises in public. Clearly, recognition is an essential act of leadership. Clearly recognition is important, but so many organizations get it wrong. Many in leadership positions just don’t know how to effectively implement a recognition program, acknowledge someone for their efforts, or how to reward employees.

It’s all about making it personal. 

Leaders have a responsibility to recognize the accomplishments of those within their organization. It is one of the most important duties of a leader. When it is handled well, it really is beautiful and people talk about it for a long time. When it is handled poorly, it is ugly, and people talk about that a long time too. More important is the impact both have on the people that make the magic happen within your organization.

How to Make Recognition Work!

Recognition is powerful. I believe, however, very few organizations get this right. While it is never a bad time to recognize the good works of others, there are some ideas to consider:

  • Let people know exactly what you want. If they know what you want they can work toward the goal. Don’t leave people guessing. Be direct. These are the results we reward.
  • Recognition should be meaningful. Everyone knows when someone deserves the recognition. Don’t reward people because it’s their turn. That’s a step backward. Don’t be afraid to recognize individuals. Sure teams need recognition, but individual recognition is the most powerful form possible.
  • Great recognition is most often inexpensive or free.  Everyone wants to hear praise. Write them a note. Send them a gift card. Tell others the story of why they were recognized.
  • Recognition shouldn’t be predictable. Mix it up. Keep everyone guessing and surprised.
  • Great recognition is memorable. When you tell their story, mention them by name, and make them feel deserving; they’ll remember it. You don’t need to send them to Hawaii. Unless of course, you can.
  • Don’t be afraid to reward the same person more than once, or in a row. Make it personal. You’re not just rewarding people, you’re rewarding the action you want replicated.
  • Encourage others to create their own recognition programs and awards. Let others partake in meaningful recognition. Encourage it. Support it. Participate.

One of my favorite presentations is when I am asked to share my art and words at an award’s banquet or recognition dinner. I love participating in the recognition of others and retelling an amazing story of achievement.  I can see it in the eyes of the recipient when I shake their hand and present them with a piece of customized art. They didn’t even know how awesome they were because they were just doing their best and giving their all. Now someone is telling an amazing story of accomplishment, and it’s about them! You can also tell they will pay forward whatever recognition they received, ten fold. They w will continue with even greater tenacity to innovate and make a difference.  They matter… therefore recognition matters.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Six Questions to Ask When Setting a Goal


What Makes a Good Goal? 

Some people seem to achieve goals regularly and are continually climbing their way toward a better life. Still, others fail repeatedly and seem stuck in a rut.

A good goal is structured and planned in a way to be more likely achieved.

Achieving goals isn’t a matter of chance, there is a methodology anyone can apply to get better results.

Here Are Six Questions to Ask Yourself When Setting Goals:

1. Can I measure it?

Your goals need to be precise and positively worded. You goals need to be set just above your comfort level and just below your frustration level.  Don’t set a goal like, “I want to lose weight.”  Be specific, “I want to lose five pounds by Steve’s wedding.” Your precision has something to measure and a due date. Focus on what you want, and use words to compel you toward the desired result.

It may be obvious, but a good goal is something you cannot currently do. You might dismiss a goal because you think it is too easy, but if you can’t do it, then it is a good goal.

2. Is it the correct size?

You goal needs to be big enough to matter, but small enough to be completed in a reasonable time.  It’s better to set three five pound weight loss goals than to set one goal of fifteen pounds. By losing the first five and meeting your goal you set off emotions and brain chemistry like dominos.  You begin programming your brain for success.  Think bite-sized goals and bust them out. Big goals are resolutions; they’re the meals. Goals are the individual bites of that big meal.

You cannot measure your goal against someone else’s goal.  If you want to run a 5K in under 30 minutes and your friend is training for a marathon, you still need to be proud of your goal.

3. When will I finish?

You need to set a deadline for your goal.  I use a countdown time app on my iPhone or type it into my calendar.  I can see how many days, hours, and minutes until my next 5K or word count on my book.  Goals need deadlines.  Without them, they will remain dreams.  Set a target completion date.

4. How will I keep myself accountable?

Goals need to be written.  I would start by keeping a journal and check back often. You need to lineup what resources you have at your disposal and that includes people that can keep you accountable.  Some people I know have found success ‘checking in’ on social media sites like twitter and Facebook.  Posting pictures and short entires of their progress.  Find creative ways to keep yourself accountable.

5. Does it interest me?

You aren’t going to finish anything unless you feel strongly about it.  Create some leverage and ask yourself what would happen if you don’t complete it, and what would happen if you did.  Inspire yourself. Remind yourself why you want this. Get into it.

6. What will it cost?

A good goal is one that will improve your life and those around you.

When setting a goal you must look ahead and see how it will impact those around you. All goals cost something whether it be time or money.

Will this goal help your family? Will it negatively impact your finances? Will it improve or hinder your relationship with your family?

This is, after all, your goal. You cannot rely on the actions of others to achieve your goal. You cannot rely on your finances. (I know some who allow themselves to buy things and call it a goal.  That’s not a goal, that’s a want.)  Be prepared to invest time in achieving your goal, but know what the costs are and use good judgement.

What questions do you believe are important to ask when setting goals? Leave a comment.

You’re Blowing It!

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You’re Blowing it!

It’s not procrastination. That sounds too sophisticated.

You’re not stalling. That’s just too nice.

You’re blowing it! You are about to miss a once in a lifetime opportunity because you are more interested in reading your Twitter Feed or updating your current Facebook status.

Life is short and we all have goals and dreams. We work toward them or we don’t. When we don’t achieve our dreams we make excuses and cover up our inaction with niceties. We act like we will eventually get there and that everything is going to be fine.

Well, what if you’re wrong? Live your life without regrets and get your dreams on the production line.

You need help? Great. We can do that. We can find you the resources you need. (And you won’t.) We’ll locate any needed backers. (You don’t really need that either.) And we will guide you around every other excuse you are prepared to make. (And you will.) But, we cannot tell you what your dream is, and ask you to get started.  That little bit of magic is the fuel for the entire dream.

Throw perfection out the window and aim for progress. Dream big but when creating settle for completion. You can always work on a part two later. ‘Finished’ is a beautiful word.

Look in the mirror. Are you blowing it or are you getting started?

Kelly Croy is a chalk artist and keynote speaker.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

including corporations, schools, churches, conferences,

and anywhere people come together to be entertained and inspired.

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


What Makes a Good Journal? My thoughts.

I was recently asked about what makes a good journal entry.

Here are my thoughts:

  1. Always include the date.
  2. Journal entries should be short.
  3. You should write frequently, routinely, and almost daily.
  4. Do NOT focus on spelling, grammar, or what others might think.
  5. Share your successes, failures, concerns, celebrations, defeats, dreams, goals, wishes, accomplishments, plans for world domination, and whatever else may be on your mind.
  6. If it is important enough to be written on any scrap of paper it is good enough for your journal
  7. Go ahead and tape concert tickets in there or newspaper clippings, or whatever you feel is appropriate.
  8. Your journal is where you keep your dreams.
  9. Offer a reward in the front of your journal if found; mine is dinner at your favorite restaurant.
  10. Keep your journal private.

I started writing in a spiral notebook like students used and have now graduated to a leather Moleskine.

(If this post interested you, please look for my upcoming mini-posts of journal activities scattered throughout the  year. I have created a ‘journal’ category for easy spotting.)

A good journal is simply, what works for you!

Kelly Croy is a chalk artist and professional speaker.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation including corporations, schools, churches, conferences, and anywhere people come together to be entertained and inspired.

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


One more… One less…

One finger

Run one more mile.

Eat one less donut.

Call your mom one more time each month.

Stay off Facebook one entire day.

Write one more page.

Buy one less extra.

It all comes down to one more or one less to make a significant difference.  Use some consistency each day, each week, each month, and you will really see progress.

Resolutions don’t have to be huge they need to be consistent. Simple actions compounded can create some dramatic changes.

Imagine weighing twelve pounds less than you do right now this time next year. All it would take is a pound a month and some consistency. The same principles can be applied to your finances, projects, goals, and dreams.

Good luck.

Kelly Croy is a chalk artist and keynote speaker.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

including corporations, schools, churches, conferences,

and anywhere people come together to be entertained and inspired.

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Christmas Greetings

christmaswindow1Too often people greet one another with a hearty, “How are you?” without any genuine concern, and when the recipient begins to inform them of exactly how they are doing, the greeter tunes them out. We have a sort of linguistic apathy or sterilization that takes place in our society. Our language undervalues the meaning of certain words and phrases over time.

One such phrase that we cannot allow to be devalued is Merry Christmas. In truth, the phrase is most sacred in meaning and expression. When offering someone a “Merry Christmas” we should be fully attentive to its precise meaning and present it with a genuine smile. I cannot imagine a better greeting or farewell than a sincere Merry Christmas.
There has been much attention in recent years to the use of Merry Christmas in stores, cards, and promotions, or more accurately its lack of use in our society. I personally disapprove of the use of “X-mas” and I do indeed feel it leaves Christ out, but I mostly keep those thoughts to myself. I have never really felt that people use it to be purposefully disrespectful, and I have even heard arguments that it is Christian in origin, as ‘X’ was the Greek symbol for Christos, or Christ.  Still, it is not for me.  As for the use of “Happy Holidays” I am not so bothered, but I still prefer Merry Christmas.  The word “Holiday” is a compound word formed originally from “Holy” and “Day” which is exactly what Christmas is, the holy day.
For me, the concern is more about the tone and expression of the greeting.  Regardless of whether we share a “Merry Christmas” or a “Happy Holidays”— is our heart and soul into it? Or are we just going through the motions? Christmas is our most sacred holiday. The music, food, decorations, singing, lights, and all the merriment is meant to celebrate the birth of Our Savior. Our attitudes should also reflect this great joy.
Charles Dickens’ creation of Ebenezer Scrooge is a holiday classic. His Christmas Carol succeeds because all of us can identify a “Scrooge” in our lives, and to be honest, within ourselves from time to time. The holidays can create stress, anger, and even depression, but only because our focus is tuned to the distractions and not God.  Let Christ truly be our focus this holiday season in both our greeting and in our hearts.
It is so easy to get caught up in what Christmas isn’t really about. Let’s set aside our worries and pains this Christmas season, and celebrate, with great merriment and joy, the birth of Christ.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas. May your homes be filled with much laughter and happiness.
~ Kelly
Kelly is an inspirational speaker, author, and artist.
Please visit our website to book Kelly for your next event. 1-800-831-4825