Book Launch! You’re Invited!

ACAL invitation

Thank you to my talented friend Sean Junkins for creating this awesome invite!You are invited to celebrate with me this Thursday, July 30th from 5 PM to 8PM as I launch my very first book, Along Came a Leader. There are several ways you can join in on the book launch.  First, you can attend the book launch party at the Rocky Point Winery in Marblehead, Ohio.  You can order a softcover or a digital copy from, or you can order a personalized signed copy from and have it shipped to your house. I will also be sharing some of the book launch event on the Periscope App, using my @WiredEducator user name.

I am really pleased with how well the book turned out and I believe it has the potential to impact organizations both big and small. Leadership is very important and something we teach and nurture.

Hope you join me in celebrating the launch of Along Came a Leader.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist. 

He entertains and amazes audiences across the nation

with his art and words. The art is brought to life with computer animation.

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


The Importance of Celebrating Others

Nobody wants to be around people who just tolerate them.

Everbody loves to be around people who celebrate them.

Leadership is a skill which can be learned and taught, and one of the most important lessons is celebrating the success of others.

It’s a refreshing change in a “Me First” world: First and foremost, celebrating others is not only the right thing to do, it places those who practice this unique and powerful craft at the top 1% of people others want to be around. It’s easy to celebrate others and it doesn’t have to cost anything. In an age where “selfies” are the mainstream of social media, celebrating others is a refreshing change of pace. People are enchanted by those who place others above themselves. The greats practice celebrating others. Oprah, Ellen, Jimmy Fallon are all quick to congratulate and share the success of those they are around. We love it! We love seeing others genuinely happy about the success of others.Click to Read More

Trying vs. Training: How to Win at Anything!

I don’t know what to say when someone tells me they’ve quit. It’s one of those rare moments when I’m speechless.

I grew up in a house where you either succeeded, or you weren’t finished yet.  There was no happy middle ground.  Homework was either completed or I was working on it.  The option of not completing it never entered my mind.

Sports further emphasized this point.  I could not imagine telling my coach, “Well, I tried, but I just couldn’t get the job done, so I’m gonna stop now.”

Nope. No way! I’d never say that! I’d rather walk into a bear’s den beating a pot with a metal spoon with a raw piece of meat tied around my neck than do that.  It’s just not happening.

So, now in life I feel similarly.  I am either achieving what I set out to do, or I am not finished. It’s that simple. I think it can be best summed up in the idea of trying vs. training.

Trying sounds okay when you first say.  “Sure, I’ll give it a try.”  It’s innocent.  You’ll do your best.  The problem with trying though is that it leaves that other option out in the open. The other option being you can walk away if it doesn’t work out.

Training on the other hand takes that other option right off the table. Training is an entirely different matter.  For starters, there is a plan.  You know what you are going to do to make it happen.  No wild swings.  No shooting from the hip.  When you train you measure your progress, make sure you’re on track, and you use every resource you can to achieve success.  When you train you discipline yourself and follow a set of rules or guidelines. If you experience a setback, you get up and begin, again.

See the difference? Training and trying are not the same.  Trying is a half-hearted effort.  Training is focused on a result.  Those who try sometimes get lucky and make it.  Those who train make it every time.  It might take awhile, but they will get there.

Imagine you are given the amazing opportunity to win a million dollars during an NBA halftime show by shooting three foul shots.  Make three in a row and you win a million dollars. The contest will be televised live in three weeks. Would you try to make the shots or would you train to make the shots?  I’d train! You’d find me out on the playground basketball court late at night, even if it was raining, practicing those shots. I’d read books about the psychology of performing under pressure. I’d watch video. I’d consult coaches. And let me tell you this… I’d win.

Our journey in life is no different.  Do you have a plan? An accountability partner? Are you focused? Do you miss practices? Are you disciplining yourself?

You do know you’re playing for more than a million dollars, right?

So, how do you win a million dollars shooting a basketball free throw? How do you win at life?

Simple. You train.

(For even more help with personal and professional leadership,
please check out Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, or invite Kelly to speak at your next event.)

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist. 

He entertains and amazes audiences across the nation

with his art and words. The art is brought to life with computer animation.

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Four Reasons to Start Something!


Finishing a project is obviously crucial to success, but I am always amazed at how many people don’t even make a start toward their dreams.

You don’t have to wait to flip the calendar to a new month, in fact you shouldn’t wait a moment longer. You need to take some action toward one of your dormant dreams now.

Here are four reasons to start something right now:

You have all the resources you need. Never before in history have we had so much information at our disposal to start any venture. The resources available are simply amazing. Google, YouTube, Social Networks, Blogs, books, videos, programs, and more.  It’s also amazingly sad how few make use of these great, free tools. C’mon.

It get’s easier. The first steps of anything are the hardest. As you keep moving you learn and build momentum. Take the steps. You will look back in a few months and wonder why you waited so long. Go!

No better time than now!  Saying you don’t have the time or money is ridiculous. You can always take some type of action toward your goal. Quit stalling. Start today. Right now!

Mentors are easy to find. With social networks, free tutorials on YouTube, and great apps like Lift, you can find encouragement, a plan, and a mentor easily. Get going!

It’s a proverbial clean slate. Everyone will be starting something on January 1st. There is something to a fresh new start on a year, a month, a week, and even a day that you can capitalize on, but any time is a good time to start.

So, what will it be? A novel? An investment club? A 5K? A new revenue stream? It doesn’t matter what you undertake, as long as you are constantly looking for ways to improve.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist. 

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words.  

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



Declaring Your Independence!


We all know Independence Day is July 4th.  Other than our birthday and our mom’s, it’s the most important birthday to know. While celebrating our country’s freedom during the month of July, I challenge you to free yourself from something that is taxing you and holding you back. 

While any day is a great day to make yourself better, July does offer us that halfway point of the year to reflect. It is a great opportunity to declare “halftime” and see what we have accomplished and what we need to get after before the year ends. 

Have you worked hard this year? With six months to go it is indeed halftime. Celebrate your accomplishments, make needed adjustments, and win.  Ask yourself my favorite three questions: What do I need to keep doing? What do I need to stop doing? What do I need to start doing?

Whether you decide to live a healthier lifestyle, be a little more frugal, or work on a dream or bucket list, the fourth can be a day you look forward to for your personal independence. Give yourself this gift. Give your future self this gift. Each year, look back and celebrate the freedoms you have given yourself. 

Freedom from financial worry, a health crisis, stagnation are all possible with action.  In life there is always someplace to go. There is no summit.  Keep moving forward.  Movement is life itself. 

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Whistle While You Work: Leaders Make it fun!

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Whistle While You Work

Your level of self-motivation and passion will directly impact and influence those you lead. Yep! That’s your attitude. Attitude is one of the six essential qualities of a leader.

How many times have you said, “I can’t do that!” or worse, “I don’t want to do that!”? There are a lot of unpleasant jobs that need to be done in every area of our life. We have a choice.  We can choose to do them with a negative attitude or a positive attitude.  It really is that simple. Having a good attitude ensures the job will be done well and the time will move quickly.  All will benefit from a good attitude.

I have worked for some leaders that really thought there were certain jobs beneath them to do.  They saw themselves as sitting high on a throne ordering others to do the dirty work. I have had other leaders jump right in with me to help get the job done.  Guess which one I admired more and had more loyalty?  Guess which one I want to follow? It’s not the one yelling at me to do it, it’s the one working with me to get the job done.

We we can either work for bosses or we work we can work with leaders.  We have to do what our boss says, and we want to do what a leader says. Big difference, and it’s all in the attitude.

I remember when I was young I had to do a lot of jobs that just seemed absolutely horrible.  On one such occasion my father brought home a huge load of wood that needed to be sawed and split for our wood-burning stove. The pile of wood looked like a mountain.  There was no way I could do it alone.  My dad explained to me how the job would build character and muscle.  He told me how we could save money heating the house with the wood.  Nothing he said, however, changed my attitude. This job was beneath me, in my mind, and something that I wanted no part of at all.

All of my friends that weekend were watching the big ball game and here I was stuck behind the house on a freezing-cold day cutting and sorting wood.  I had the worst attitude in the world.  My dad had other work to do and I was left alone.

Lucky for me my brother surprised us with a visit home.  He found me in the back yard mumbling about the work I had to do.  I was doing it slowly and poorly.  In just a few seconds my brother had turned the entire chore into a fun game.  He had a wonderful knack for doing that.  He was a true leader.  We put the ball game on the radio and made a contest out of the work. I remember my brother making up this silly song parody on “The Devil Came Down to Georgia” about our job.  In my brother’s version it was our hometown, not Georgia and the contest wasn’t fiddling, it was…splitting wood. I laughed so hard my side hurt. The job was completed in no time at all, I enjoyed it, and I did a good job.  Dad was happy. I learned a valuable lesson that day.

What seemed like an agonizing job ended up being one of the most memorable weekends with my brother.  We traded stories, laughed, and had a good time. I learned a lot about leadership that weekend.  Many hands really does lighten the load, and a good attitude makes the work go by faster.  You really do better work with a great attitude too.

My brother did not have to help me, but by doing so he showed me the importance of the job and how to do it right. My brother still leads that way, and so do I. As the general manager of a prominent hotel, he had over twenty managers to do any job needed, but time after time, I have witnessed my brother leading from the front and doing even the most menial job himself. He always has a great attitude and that sets the tone for everyone that works for him.

My dad was right too.  All winter long when we heated that house I felt proud of cutting all the wood.  My dad usually complained about the bills in the house, but that winter every time a heating bill arrived, he sang my praises to everyone in the family about how my hard work saved the family money. It was one of the first times I really felt like a man in our family.

Doing a job well is only half of the job.  You have to do it with a great attitude.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


Parenting an Artist

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I have heard a lot of people tell me that they were born without an artistic gene in their body, and that they don’t have any artistic skill. But I don’t really believe it.

I believe everyone is born with a desire and the natural ability to create and express themselves artistically. It’s what happens once you start making the art that determines whether or not you’ll continue as an artist.

Children take to art naturally. They create architecture with wooden blocks, sculptures with Play-Dough, and wonderful works of expression with paint, crayons, sticks, mud, legos, and any other medium they can get their hands on and use. They even create art with their food at the dinner table! Children are born artists.

As we grow, we create art, and it is either encouraged or deterred.

The encouraged become the artists of the world. They see what others miss. They create expressive works. They add value.

The deterred are still artists, but just need an awakening. They need a little encouragement, an opportunity, a gentle nudge. Some of the deterred rediscover their artistic talents later in life. They paint the picture, write the novel, bake the cake. Sadly, many others never find it. They cling to the fallacy that they just weren’t born with that special gene.

I am fortunate that my parents encouraged me.

Here’s how my parents helped unleash the artist within me.

My parents:

  • encouraged creative play focused on imagination and pretending.
  • read me books.
  • encouraged me to tell stories.
  • hung my art on the fridge and praised it.
  • involved me with cooking and preparation of meals.
  • filled our home with books. So many wonderful books!
  • took me to unique experiences like fairs, circuses, and concerts.
  • had instruments in the home. (I remember harmonicas, guitars, a piano, and so much more.)
  • kept paper, pens, and crayons within easy reach.
  • spoke well and with fascination of writers, painters, and performers.
  • asked me to make them gifts. (I made birthday cards and Christmas gifts.)
  • listened.
  • played with me.
  • gave me books or lessons on areas I showed an interest.
  • kept encouraging me even after I was a grown adult. (My mom still does. She’s my biggest fan.)
  • listend to music with me.
  • asked questions about my art.
  • bought me my first art supplies
  • bragged on me to others in my presence.

Parenting an artist sounds much like just good parenting, while never ceasing to make opportunities to invite artistic moments in to the life of the child.

Taking time to draw with a child is the artistic equivalent to playing catch in the front yard. A book of paintings becomes the box of baseball cards, and a trip to the museum the seats behind home plate.

If your child expresses the slightest inclination for the arts, seize every opportunity to encourage it, especially if it’s not something you know a lot about. What a wonderful opportunity to explore someplace new with your child.

I am so happy my parents took an interest in my art. It has made all the difference.

A ream of paper, a Sharpie Fine Point, and some music, and I become all that I ever dreamed of as a child.

Parent an artist.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.


How to Make Recognition Work!

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Recognition is an important part of leadership. It can do wonders for your corporation, school or family. When recognition is implemented correctly it can increase retention, decrease absence, raise production, improve quality, change attitudes, and in general create a momentum of success and positive energy.

It has been wisely stated that a great leader humbly accepts the failures of his organization as his own, and passes any praise and success on as the accomplishments of his colleagues. In addition,  I have always been reminded that a great leader criticizes in private and praises in public. Clearly, recognition is an essential act of leadership. Clearly recognition is important, but so many organizations get it wrong. Many in leadership positions just don’t know how to effectively implement a recognition program, acknowledge someone for their efforts, or how to reward employees.

It’s all about making it personal. 

Leaders have a responsibility to recognize the accomplishments of those within their organization. It is one of the most important duties of a leader. When it is handled well, it really is beautiful and people talk about it for a long time. When it is handled poorly, it is ugly, and people talk about that a long time too. More important is the impact both have on the people that make the magic happen within your organization.

How to Make Recognition Work!

Recognition is powerful. I believe, however, very few organizations get this right. While it is never a bad time to recognize the good works of others, there are some ideas to consider:

  • Let people know exactly what you want. If they know what you want they can work toward the goal. Don’t leave people guessing. Be direct. These are the results we reward.
  • Recognition should be meaningful. Everyone knows when someone deserves the recognition. Don’t reward people because it’s their turn. That’s a step backward. Don’t be afraid to recognize individuals. Sure teams need recognition, but individual recognition is the most powerful form possible.
  • Great recognition is most often inexpensive or free.  Everyone wants to hear praise. Write them a note. Send them a gift card. Tell others the story of why they were recognized.
  • Recognition shouldn’t be predictable. Mix it up. Keep everyone guessing and surprised.
  • Great recognition is memorable. When you tell their story, mention them by name, and make them feel deserving; they’ll remember it. You don’t need to send them to Hawaii. Unless of course, you can.
  • Don’t be afraid to reward the same person more than once, or in a row. Make it personal. You’re not just rewarding people, you’re rewarding the action you want replicated.
  • Encourage others to create their own recognition programs and awards. Let others partake in meaningful recognition. Encourage it. Support it. Participate.

One of my favorite presentations is when I am asked to share my art and words at an award’s banquet or recognition dinner. I love participating in the recognition of others and retelling an amazing story of achievement.  I can see it in the eyes of the recipient when I shake their hand and present them with a piece of customized art. They didn’t even know how awesome they were because they were just doing their best and giving their all. Now someone is telling an amazing story of accomplishment, and it’s about them! You can also tell they will pay forward whatever recognition they received, ten fold. They w will continue with even greater tenacity to innovate and make a difference.  They matter… therefore recognition matters.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.
