Changing Our “I Don’t Need Coaching” Mindset

The Best Have Coaches!

Today I watched the greatest quarterback in the history of football.

I didn’t root for him, but I did watch in admiration as he accomplished incredible feats with what looked liked effortless precision and flow. He was accurate and smooth. Again, I’m not a fan, but wow!

What I think is most interesting is that despite being the best in his field and of all time, he has multiple coaches. He has coaches! He is the best, and yet he has a string of coaches that work with him every day.

The only thing more fascinating than the fact that he has coaches is his eagerness to be coached. He wants to get better. He goes out and hires his own private coaches too. Again, wow!

We live in an age where feedback is considered insulting and the thought of having a coach in our profession would more than likely viewed as intrusive or embarrassing.


I think there are certain areas in our lives where we view coaching as elite, as in the case of a fitness coach or nutritionist, and other areas where a negative connotation of coaching thrives as in our professions and perhaps mental wellness.

I think we are getting better with the concept of coaching though. I hope so.

What’s the alternative if we do NOT bring coaches into our personal and professional lives? We decline. We stay the same. We apply personal improvement.

I don’t think any of us want to decline; that’s not acceptable. Staying the same is dangerous, but I fear popular as many people think they are good enough, but I think we can all agree life is about improving and becoming our best for ourselves and others.

Personal improvement is wonderful and should absolutely be pursued daily, but there are limitations to what we can learn through books, courses, podcasts, blogs and videos. These wonderful resources cannot provide feedback and offer the awareness and personalized instruction we need.

Our challenge: How can we encourage a mindset and an environment where we are eager to be coached?

We will not accidentally bump into our best self; we will discover it through choice, not chance, and acquire it through personal and professional coaching.


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator.  Send Kelly an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s  The Wired Educator Podcast with over 215 episodes. • Kelly has written two books, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness . • Follow Kelly Croy on: Facebook. •  Twitter.  •  and Instagram 




Newsletter: Nov 3, 2021: 4 Ideas to Knock Around! Cheer for Yourself! How to Read More! Mental Wellness Tools and Tips! Take the Garbage Out!

My November 3, 2021 Newsletter

Four Awesome Ideas to Level-Up and Design a Better Life!

Hello there!

Something great is around the next corner for you, now let’s get to 4 Ideas to Knock Around, shall we?

  1. Quote I’m Reflecting on: “Spend more time cheering for yourself than your favorite sports team. Most people do the opposite and wonder why they’re so unhappy.” ~Jarek Lewis
  2. How to Read More Books Than You Ever Imagined: I recently came across an amazing app for my phone called that provides written and audio summaries of books that I can consume like potato chips. (If you’ve never seen me consume potato chips, you’re welcome.) I was skeptical of Blinkist, but tried the free , and then I fell in love. I know I’ll never be able to consume all the books I want to read about becoming a better human, building a better business, and many other important categories, yet Blinkist breaks down the core concepts of books I know I’ll never get to and offers it in easily consumable “blinks” that allow me to get the gist of an entire book in about 12 minutes. I kid you not. I’m now a subscriber. Yes, of course I still read, and a lot, and I still listen to audio books on Audible, regularly, but I love Blinkist for those books that I just want the essence of to apply in my life. . That’s saying a lot.
  3. Awesome Mental Wellness Tips & Tools: I recently attended a presentation by Denny Doughty and Lonnie Rivera where they mentioned some quick and easy ways to improve mental wellness from legend speaker and poverty expert, Ruby Payne. Their tips included: water, tapping and touch, looking up, and breathing techniques. I NEVER knew water could impact anxiety. I had heard of some tapping techniques in the past, but I was very skeptical, a friend shared the app with me and well… I am finding value. Looking up!?! Who knew that looking up, that’s right, just looking at the ceiling can improve your mental wellness. That’s easy enough to do. Breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 4 seconds, and slowly letting it go for 4, was also mentioned, and that is a practice I employed in my children’s book, . Try these out and let me know how they go! I am putting all to use. Yes, I deal with anxiety every day. Some days it is a war, so I need every weapon imaginable.
  4. Take Out the Garbage: A Message From Me: “The garbage in this world isn’t just physical pollution. I love and admire people who decide to contribute and help. So many people either act as if it is someone else’s job, or they just don’t care. Kindness and check-ins are elite actions. Not fluff. How we deal with ‘pollution’ is a measure of our own personal and professional leadership. How do we stop contributing? How do we help clean it up? Too many pass it by or just point. I am fully committed to making the world a better place. I will not allow the negativity nor pessimism of others to delay or derail me.”

Thank you for being a part of this newsletter. I hope you will share it with a colleague, family member, or friend.


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Integrity is Your Resume’

Live Authentically!

Some things in life truly are all or nothing, and integrity is clearly one of them.

You can’t be a ‘little bit’ honest.

Morality isn’t a fad.

A lifetime of studying and practicing leadership has taught me that integrity is the greatest filter of all leaders.

Anyone can be honest and true in a moment, for a day, a duration, a stint, but integrity is the sum of all our decisions and actions. Integrity is our resume’.

You can hold many leadership positions…

You can obtain numerous degrees…

You can have a tremendous list of references…

But in the end your integrity will separate your ability to lead from others.

I love that the word “integrity” has the word “gritty” kinda built in there, because it takes courage and resolve to consistently make decisions and actions with intention and morality.

Living an authentic life is paramount to maintaining your credibility as a leader, serving others, and leaving a lasting impact.  Authenticity is the glue that holds leadership together; without it a leader falls apart. 

If you assembled all of the people you know, together in one room, would they describe the same person? Authenticity isn’t about being perfect, but it has everything to do with trust, integrity, and loyalty. Living an authentic life is paramount to maintaining your credibility as a leader and leaving a lasting impact on others. We trust and admire those who live authentic lives. Leaders are people who live by a set of core values regardless of the circumstances, and regardless who is around. 

Do you act the same way regardless of who is around? Or are you a different person to different people? As a teacher and coach I have observed that student athletes often act differently depending on who is watching them. The same holds true for many of the fellow employees I have worked alongside over the years.  Even within some families we see behavior changes, and issues of integrity based on who is around at the time.  I have had many discussions with teachers and coaches that describe very different observations of the same student, athlete, or colleague.

Authenticity is about who you say you are, who people say you are, and who you really are. Tell me what you truly value and I’ll tell you what kind of person you will become.

Authenticity is the glue that holds leadership together. Without it a leader falls apart. Nothing will weaken your impact more, or destroy your accomplishments faster than a breach of trust or a lapse in your integrity.

Every conversation, decision and action adds to your integrity or subtracts from it.

Make the next best decision.

Live authentically.


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 208 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 



FFP 042: Three Ingredients to a Better Self

The Future Focused Podcast: Episode 042 "Three Ingredients to Your Better Self"

In this episode of The Future Focused Podcast, I discuss three important ingredients to your better self.

Getting better does not happen accidentally; it takes intention and some effort. Most people focus on dieting, lifting weights, reading books, budgeting, investing and other important areas, but overlook these very three “doable” daily actions. The results are immediate.

Click here to listen to this episode. 

Knowing the three is NOT enough. I want you to hear why you need them and how to put them to use.

Jump in this podcast 14 minute podcast. Lean into what I am sharing. Put it to use.

Show Notes:

This link will take you to ALL of my social media: (I love Link Tree.)

Want to give your child or a child you know the gift of confidence and tools to tackle worry and anxiety? Order my new book Unthink Before Bed. It is a children’s book on mindfulness. It’s the perfect gift and bedtime book. I am so proud of it! It is a very fun read.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 188 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


FFP 040: The Problem with 100 Percent

How to Build Better Habits

In this episode of The Future Focused Podcast, I outline how abandoning the mindset of 100% can help you create better habits and accomplish more. 

Click here to listen to this episode of The Future Focused Podcast.

This 40th episode of The Future Focused Podcast will help you level-up your leadership and design a more dynamic life by focusing on the power of a proper mindset and building habits that deliver. Unfortunately, too many people adopt a mindset that they put complete belief in, but in reality, actually hinders performance.

I’m talking about the problem of 100%.

Hit play and take a listen to this ten-minute podcast.

Thank you for listening. I hope you will subscribe and leave a review.


Want to give your child or a child you know the gift of confidence and tools to tackle worry and anxiety? Order my new book Unthink Before Bed. It is a children’s book on mindfulness. It’s the perfect gift and bedtime book. I am so proud of it! It is a very fun read.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 180 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


FFP 039: Five Financial Apps You Must Have on Your Phone

In this episode of The Future Focused Podcast I share the five financial apps you must have on your phone, and share a little on how to use each one to level up your leadership and design a more dynamic life. 

Finances matter. They really do. You can’t lead others nor live your best life if the weight of financial strife is holding you back and impairing your decisions. While these five apps are extremely helpful and will give you an edge, it takes personal discipline to manage your money. These are not get-rich-quick apps or anything like that. These are apps that help you spend less, budget, keep an eye on your money, invest, and learn about finances.

Click here to listen to this episode!

Money matters. To be a good leader and to design a dynamic life, you need to master your finances, and mastering your finances begins with mastering yourself. You need to be extremely disciplined. Rules I follow: Eliminate Debt. Build savings. Create multiple revenue streams. Invest.  You need these buckets. You do need to have fun too. 

This podcast will serve you well. Let me know what app I should have included and why in the comments below.


Want to give your child or a child you know the gift of confidence and tools to tackle worry and anxiety? Order my new book Unthink Before Bed. It is a children’s book on mindfulness. It’s the perfect gift and bedtime book. I am so proud of it! It is a very fun read.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 178 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

FFP 038: The Importance of Mindfulness

Unthink Before Bed

In this 38th episode of The Future Focused Podcast, I discuss the importance of inaction, stillness, and mindfulness in relation to leadership and living a dynamic life.

We live in a fast-paced culture where multitasking, overwhelm and frustration are not only the norm but are often spoken of as virtues and badges of honor. I challenge this notion in this episode and remind listeners that like muscles, our brains need rest, and like devices, we often need a reset.

Listen to this episode by clicking here.

Knowing about the importance of stillness and mindfulness is not enough; it must be scheduled and practiced. Too many people don’t start because they feel they must study it and learn more. Nonsense! I’ll share everything you need to know to get started NOW and share a couple of helpful resources too.

This episode is an important episode that I hope you will really put into action. If you want great ideas, and the end to anxiety, then this is the episode for you.

Unthink Before Bed is my newest book and it has made a tremendous debut across the globe by helping families teach their children (and themself while they’re at it) to learn the art of mindfulness. How do you expect children to become mindful, reduce worry, anxiety, and stress if you don’t teach it or provide the tools? Well, that is what my book does in a really fun way! Unthink Before Bed is the perfect bedtime book with over forty, beautifully colored illustrations and a whimsical rhyme reminiscent of Dr. Seuss. Follow the bedtime adventure of a young boy and his dog as they learn how to prepare their mind for bedtime. Written and illustrated by a veteran educator of thirty years and a father of four. This is Kelly Croy’s second book. Unthink Before Bed teaches children (and adults) how to slow down, build a routine, get to bed, and fall asleep. Woven into every stanza and illustration are the ten, secret lessons of mindfulness. Reduce anxiety, worry, and stress. Fall asleep happily. Get a peaceful night’s rest. It’s also two books in one…. There’s a QR code in the back which takes you to the audiobook of me reading it. Order your copy on Amazon today. 

Please let me know your thoughts.

Have a great week.


Mentioned in this podcast: 

Ryan Holiday’s book Stillness is the Key

My new book Unthink Before Bed.

A great resource of them importance of breathing titled, Breath by Belisa Vranich

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 176 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

My New Book: Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness

I Wrote and Illustrated a Children's Book on Mindfulness Titled Unthink Before Bed

I just published a new book titled Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness. It is available on the world’s largest bookstore, Amazon, now. You can get your copy here.

II am very excited to share this book with families. It is a fun bedtime story with incredible artwork. This is exactly what children need to hear right now. (Parents too.)

We are living in uncertain times and children (and adults) need the strategies to prepare their minds for the challenges in today’s world. Unthink Before bed teaches children how to relax, reduce stress, and give themselves an advantage to get the rest they need a prepare for a new day. You are going to love it.

I had so much fun writing this book and illustrating every page. There are over forty, beautiful pages of illustrations. This book has a fun rhyme. I have even built a free audiobook inside the book. I’m not kidding. Wait until you see how I did it!

There are so many great surprises inside this book. Kids are going to love it. Parents are going to love it.

The book hit #2 in bedtime stories yesterday and was featured as one of Amazon’s “Hot New Releases” and one of their Best Sellers. I am so excited.

I will be sharing more about the book, but I just wanted to share my excitement with you!

Thanks for your continued support and encouragement.

Let me know what you think about the new book.

Order your copy of Unthink Before Bed today.



Here is more about the book:

Unthink Before Bed is the perfect bedtime book with over forty, beautifully colored illustrations and a whimsical rhyme reminiscent of Dr. Seuss. 

 Written and illustrated by a veteran educator of thirty years and a father of four. This is Kelly Croy’s second book.

Unthink Before Bed teaches children (and adults) how to slow down, build routine, get to bed, and sleep. 

Woven into every stanza and illustration are the ten, secret lessons of mindfulness. 

Reduce anxiety, worry and stress. Fall asleep happily. Get a peaceful night’s rest. 

Enjoy this fun and relaxing bedtime story. 

Readers are leaders. 

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 173 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram