Celebrating Impactful Education: A Recap of My Keynote at DC Everest School District in Wisconsin

I would love to be a speaker at your event!

I recently had the honor of being the keynote speaker at an incredible event hosted by DC Everest School District in Wisconsin, and I couldn’t wait to share the highlights with you all.

First and foremost, let me express my immense gratitude for the opportunity to speak to fellow educators. It’s not just a passion of mine; it’s my favorite thing to do. The experience at DC Everest was nothing short of fantastic. From the moment I stepped into the venue, I knew it was going to be a memorable day. The educators and leaders at DC Everest made it truly special, and I must mention the unexpected surprise of being gifted a walk-up song – AC/DC’s Thunderstruck. Yes, you read that right! It’s a long story, but suffice it to say, we embraced it wholeheartedly and set the tone for an amazing day of learning and growth.

I must extend a huge shout-out to Brady Messenberg, Director of Technology, and his entire team for orchestrating such a remarkable conference. Brady’s dedication and commitment to creating an impactful event that resonated with so many individuals is commendable. The multitude and diversity of sessions offered – over 111 in total – truly showcased the innovative spirit of DC Everest School District. Personally, I found myself reevaluating my own practices after attending Brady’s session on cybersecurity. It’s clear that DC Everest is paving the way for excellence in education, and I was proud to be a part of it.

Brady Mesenberg & Kelly Croy at DC Everest Schools

I also want to express my gratitude to the individuals who made the event even more memorable. From Felecity Treptow to Rita Mortenson, Melissa Piette, Tammy Trzebiatowski, Wes Molyneux, Casey Nye, Tracey Ravey, Jeff Lindell, and many more – your presence and enthusiasm made the day truly special. Special thanks are also due to Jack for his hard work on the video production and Joey for ensuring impeccable sound quality. I made sure Jack received one of my brand new Willy-Wonka-Styled Golden Tickets that ensures him copies of my book, mention in my next book, a spot on my podcast and more! I always wanted to offer a golden ticket, and hid a second in one of the books that day. Fun! DC Everest, you are truly amazing, and I can’t thank you enough for the warm welcome and the opportunity to be a part of something extraordinary.

But the journey doesn’t end there. As much as I cherished my time at DC Everest, I’m eager for more opportunities to connect with educators and leaders across different districts and events. If you’re reading this and thinking about organizing an educational event or seeking a keynote speaker, look no further! I would be honored to bring my insights, passion, and joy for education to your audience. Let’s make an impact together.

Now, as we wrap up, I want to take a moment to address something important. Education is not just a job; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about making a difference, day in and day out. I understand the pressures and challenges that come with it, I was a classroom teacher for 27 years: I know: the constant striving for more, the occasional self-doubt, the feeling of never doing enough. But let me remind you, you are incredible. Your dedication, your commitment to growth, your willingness to make a difference – it’s what sets you apart. So, be kind to yourself, celebrate your wins, and remember, your best days in education are yet to come. Educators are my favorite species.

Thank you all for your unwavering dedication to education. Let’s continue to uplift, inspire, and make a difference, one day at a time.

And for those interested, here are the presentations I delivered at the Wisconsin event:

1. Be Careful What You Label a Weakness! How a Permanent Beta Mindset Transforms Education
Every single person in our schools should feel joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Join me as we explore how adopting a Permanent Beta mindset can revolutionize education, allowing everyone to level-up, make a difference, and feel great. It’s an amazing presentation where we laugh, reflect and adopt a growth mindset and a wonderfully positive mindset on the work we do. So many come up to me afterward and said, “That is exactly what we needed!” Fun!

2. Breakout Session with District Leadership: Lead Every Day & Level-Up Your Personal & Professional Leadership
Elevate your leadership skills and transform your school into a thriving learning community. Learn the six tenets of leadership and how they can serve others, along with practical insights from my book Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership.

3. Breakout Session with Support Staff: The Six Things Everyone Needs to Hear, The Five People You Need in Your Life, and Why We Get Our Best Ideas in the Shower!
That’s a long title! LOL. Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Join me as we explore strategies to bring back energy, passion, and control to your life, ensuring that no one leaves work wondering if they made a difference. Much of the content here is based on my book Unthink Before Bed which is helping thousands of children and educators reclaim their days and nights with the coping skills they need to confront and conquer anxiety, stress, imposter syndrome, and fear of tomorrow. It’s changing lives.

Let’s continue to inspire and uplift one another. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our students and colleagues. Thank you for being amazing educators!

Always forward,


I would like to speak at your event!

Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here.

Five People I Want You to Meet in 2024

I've Heard and Believe That We Become the 5 People We Spend Time With!

Want an Awesome 2024? Surround Yourself with These 5 People: 

They say you become the five people you spend the most time with. I’m pretty lucky to be surrounded by so many awesome humans. (And Jedi.) We should though, review who we are hanging out with, and what we are reading, watching, and listening to each day. We don’t drop people, but we might need to back off a bit, set boundaries and reduce. We become what we consume and those we spend time with. Surround yourself with positivity and possibility.

Here are five people I’d like to introduce to you to help you have a great year:

  • Matthew Kelly: Watch this video of Matthew: He teaches us 7 questions to ask ourselves for the New Year. In short: What are you most grateful for? What did you accomplish? What is your biggest distraction? What personal quality is preventing you from becoming who you year to be? Whom have you helped the most? What is taking up your time, effort, and mental energy to add to your, “do NOT do list?” What truth are you refusing to face in your life? Personal note: I have read all of Matthew’s books. I befriended him years ago and he invited me to a very special weekend retreat. For years he was a go-to for advice and support. Matthew’s book, the Rhythm of Life is the most influential book I have ever read.
  • Jesse Itzler: Watch this video of Jesse. He teaches us that we need a misogi (one BIG, year-defining thing), 8 mini adventures and to build 4 winning habits. He tells us how. He is inspiring. I hope to connect and collaborate with Jesse in the future.
  • Jon Gordon: Watch this video of Jon. Jon’s book, The Energy Bus, is one of the all-time most recommended books by candidates during new hire interviews. He is the most positive person I follow on social media. I love his content. Jon teaches us how to choose ONE WORD to guide our entire year. My one word for 2023 was ENJOY. It worked!
  • Jon Acuff: Listen to Jon’s Podcast. I listen to Jon’s podcast every week. It’s short, fun and helpful. I have read all of his books. His new book is titled, All It Takes is a Goal. I want to be friends with him. Is that weird? Fun guy!
  • Brian Kight: Subscribe to his Daily Discipline Newsletter. I have had the pleasure to meet, interview, and befriend Brian. He is inspiring, helpful, and genuine. He spoke to our students. His Daily Discipline email is super short and impactful. I forward it to my entire family and select friends almost every single time. You will thank me.

Always forward,


I would like to speak at your event!


Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here.


Making Good Culture The Everyday Expectation

It's Job Number One. For All of us.

Making Good Culture The Everyday Expectation

What’s our number-one job regardless of where we work? Easy! Culture! Our number-one job every single day is building awesome relationships and experiences with others, and that’s culture.

Every one of us has the ability and the power of making “good culture” the expectation, not just a pleasant surprise.

Imagine you’re navigating through your busy day, deadlines looming, to-do lists growing, and energy levels dwindling. It’s precisely in these moments that we have a choice – to succumb to the chaos or to rise above it by consciously creating a culture of goodness.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind, isn’t it? Traffic. Bills. People’s tone. Poor attitudes. Complaints. Weather. So many variables each and every day. But here’s the kicker: what if I told you that by intentionally approaching every part of your day with a ‘culture first’ mindset you can transform not only your own experiences but also those of everyone around you?

It’s not whether or not someone is going to have a poor attitude with you. Of course they are! The question is how will I respond to it? Returning a poor attitude is like gas on a fire. Taking the high road and putting the best experience for all first, builds a great culture anywhere.

Look! Look how that organization responds when things go bad! They’re patient, kind, respectful, solution-focused, organized and efficient. Who doesn’t what to be part of that!?!

In the grand tapestry of life, we often encounter situations that make us cringe, whether it’s witnessing a colleague being treated unfairly, or perhaps being on the receiving end of negativity. It’s tempting to look the other way, mutter complaints under our breath, or worse, join in the blame game. But what if, instead of playing the bystander, we took a stand for good culture? We say, “We don’t talk that way here.” Powerful words, few can speak.

Everyone makes mistakes. I sure do. No one is exempt. Good culture is about making things right, irrespective of who caused the glitch. It’s never a bad time to do the right thing, or to say the best words. Everyone deserves a second chance. It’s never too late to right a wrong.

We’ve all heard the saying, “We become what we talk about.” So, let’s talk about creating positive, supportive, and fun experiences for ourselves and those around us. Sure, it might be challenging when exhaustion sets in or when the workload seems insurmountable. But here’s the magic – the more we consciously choose to infuse positivity into our interactions, the more it becomes a part of our daily narrative. We are building habits. We are training ourselves to deal with stress and difficulty with high levels of skill.

Waiting for someone else to come and fix the culture isn’t an option. We, my friends, are the architects of the environment we inhabit. We model the behavior we wish to see. It’s about making good culture the expectation every single day, in every situation, even – and especially – when it’s not easy, and times are tough.

I believe life’s too short for negativity. By proactively embracing good culture, we not only enhance our own well-being but create a ripple effect that resonates with those around us. So, the next time you’re tempted to grumble or point fingers, pause, reflect, and choose to be the beacon of positivity that makes good culture the norm, not the exception.

It’s not looking at life through rose colored glasses. It’s not pollyanna. It’s not toxic positivity.

It’s the solution. Working beside people seeing the best in themselves and one another, and working toward the best possible outcome… well that is an environment everyone wants to be a member.

Here’s to a culture that uplifts, supports, and radiates joy – let’s make it the expectation, not just a pleasant surprise!

Don’t hope for good culture, make it your daily expectation and job number one.

I slip up. How wonderful it would be if I could write these words as if they don’t happen to me, but they do. What do we do? Pretend it didn’t happen?

As much as I try to make culture the expectation, at times I react quickly instead of taking a moment to think things through. I know I need to work on that, trying to make it happen less often. That’s why having a team is crucial — they’ve got your back and bring in different perspectives, relief and much-needed support.

Dealing with these slip-ups is vital, especially because they often happen with the people we’re closest to. Balancing work demands can leave us a bit on edge when we get home. Too often our best self is for our colleagues not our families. So, creating a positive experience both at work and home, is key. Let’s aim for communication that’s cool and positive. When we fall short, and I know I do, be gentle with ourselves, regroup and make right.

Always forward,


I am a professional speaker, and I would like to speak at your event.


Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here.


My Reflection on My Personal and Professional Goals for 2023 and The Best Advice I Received

A Year Ago I Published a Blog Here Stating I Would Podcast How I Did With My Goals

Happy New Year to you.

(Last year I wrote the blog post “Goals for 2023” and shared I would record a podcast of how I did at the end of the year. Hit play above to listen episode I promised.)

Regardless of age or circumstance, there’s something truly enchanting about the beginning of a new year. It’s a time to set goals, make resolutions, and dream big. I’m a firm believer in the power of intentional goal-setting, and I want to share some insights and tools that have significantly enhanced my own journey.

Having just wrapped up a fantastic winter break with my family, I’m fueled by the warmth of shared experiences and the anticipation of what lies ahead. I’m a dedicated goal-setter, and I find that setting objectives and journaling are invaluable tools for planning and living a fulfilling life.

I just hit publish on Episode 235 of my Wired Educator Podcast. It’s a personal reflection on the highs, lows, and everything in between that defined my journey in 2023. In this special episode, I delve into the impact I made, the setbacks I encountered, and the successes I celebrated. It’s a candid exploration of the lessons learned and the growth experienced over the past year.

Overall, 2023 was a fantastic year. That doesn’t mean I hit all my goals or even most; it means I made progress.

Exactly one year ago, armed with my trusty Moleskine Journal, I set forth a comprehensive list of over 50 personal and professional goals for 2023. To hold myself accountable and invite you into this journey, I committed to breaking down each goal in a dedicated podcast episode. It wasn’t an easy task, but transparency and accountability are crucial for personal development. Join me as I share the results of this ambitious goal-setting venture. Discover the achievements, the lessons in resilience, and the unexpected turns that shaped my year. I hope this episode serves as both an honest account of my journey and an inspiration for you to set and pursue your own goals.

This was a humbling but fun recording. So, why do I do it? It’s not about bragging; it’s about the belief that sharing our experiences and knowledge can genuinely help others. Just like a classroom setting, I see blogging, newsletters, and podcasting as platforms where we can learn and grow together.

Listen to the episode here:On my website: https://wirededucator.com/goalreviewof2023/On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3odj9QW0OSYfMpf33ANECO?si=2uicDM73T7OgYCbG_qHawAOn Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-wired-educator-podcast/id974270220?i=1000640159417

Best Advice I Received in 2023: I collect inspirational words and excellent advice. In fact, I write them down in the front of my journal under a section titled “Words to Live By.” This year the best advice I received was: “The magic fix you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.” I don’t know where I found this gem, or who said it. They’re not my words, but it has guided me in 2023. I love it. Another inspirational bit of advice I received was from author, Jon Acuff. He said, quite simply, “Stay in the game!” This spoke to me because I almost let my podcast go. I was being inconsistent in several areas of life because I had broken the streak. He emphasized to me the importance of sticking with my art and work. Love these two bits of advice. I hope they serve you.

Also,I’m offering a Coaching Opportunity: Want to start a podcast, speak on stage, publish a book, build a website, start a blog, become a better leader, complete the goal of your dreams? I have helped many educators publish books, start podcasts, and begin their service as keynote speakers and EDU consultants. I haven’t offered this in a while, and I am only going to keep this link open for a short time. I ONLY work with three people a year. If you are serious about moving forward complete the following form. Click here to learn about a paid coaching opportunity with Kelly: https://forms.gle/S3PK5194CyEGqT3o6

Always forward,


I am a professional speaker, and I would like to speak at your event.

Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here.


Speaker at the COSSBA Conference in Tampa!

Honored to Speak at The National Conference for the Consortium of State School Boards Associations, Tampa, Florida

It was an honor to speak at The National Conference for the Consortium of State School Boards Associations last weekend in Tampa, Florida.

National Conferences are particularly inspiring because of the opportunity for people across the nation to share, inspire and network solutions to our greatest challenges.

This conference was memorable because I co-presented with my superintendent, Pat Adkins. Our presentation highlighted the great work our district’s staff is doing at Port Clinton Schools. Pat led the presentation and absolutely inspired our audience with the amazing initiatives happening in our district. Our title was “Safe, Healthy and Learning! How Leaders Can Prioritize and Implement Solutions to Improve the Safety and Wellness of Students, Staff and Family as a Crucial Component of On-Going Learning.” Click to Read More

Don’t Just Talk About Leadership, Teach It

Recent Speaking Event, Two Books to Recommend, and a Shout-Out to Colleagues and Student-Leaders!

This past week, I had the privilege and honor to be one of the speakers at the Sandusky Bay Conference Leadership Summit for Youth Leaders, along with my superintendent, Pat Adkins, and other experts from our region. We led sessions to help student-leaders understand that leadership is more than a title, taught them what sportsmanship really is, and offered alternatives and direction when adversity arrives.

The student-leaders were amazing! We really need to give young adults more praise and opportunity. I was incredibly impressed with their attentiveness, appreciation, ideas, and leadership. The students shared some poignant challenges: too much drama in their sport, unruly fans, unsupportive family, poor role models and more! They also shared solutions and ideas that made me leave with great hope that we are in good hands with these future leaders.

Too often, I believe, parents, teachers, coaches, advisors, and community leaders have expectations from students on leadership but rarely take the time to teach and train them on ways to deliver. Everybody values leadership, but they are hoping, or expecting, someone else to take care of it. That’s why I think a day like this Sandusky Bay Conference Leadership Summit for Youth Leaders is so important. The leaders of the SBC, like our awesome Athletic Director, Rick Dominick,  believe leadership and sportsmanship are important enough to schedule it, plan it, and offer it to schools in our region. Kudos to all who accepted and participated. I believe over 400 students attended. The students now have a lot of great leadership tools to take back to their teams and district to not only apply in their lives, but to teach other.

What a great day! I wish that I could have attended the other sessions as well and learned from the other speakers.

One of the reasons I wrote my first book, Along Came a Leader, Click to Read More



3 Ways to Get Better Mileage Out of Your Attitude

Your attitude is important, a choice, and malleable.

Attitude is king.

There are thousands of areas in your life in which you could improve, but I firmly believe the most important area everyone must focus on first is their attitude. In fact, I believe that you could master all of the other qualities, yet maintain a bad attitude and you will fail as a leader and at life. Your attitude is that important!

Conversely, I believe, you could fail at all of the other qualities, yet keep a great attitude, and you will rise to levels of success.

Attitude is king.

You already possess an attitude. How is it working for you? Are you self aware? Are you able to take a step back and reflect on whether your attitude is helping you or hindering you?

Here are three ways to get more mileage out of your attitude just like a car: Click to Read More

3 Things You Own That Are Keeping You From What You Want

We own a lot of stuff.

I recently looked at a house for sale, and two thoughts immediately came to my mind, “Wow! These people own a lot of stuff. If we were to buy this house, how would they ever pack it all up?” The second was, “My family sure owns a lot of stuff, how would we ever pack it all up?”

Among all of the physical trinkets, items, and perhaps even necessities in our life, there are other ‘things’ we own that we are not even aware of that have a negative impact. They aren’t packed in a box or sitting on a shelf. We carry them with us everywhere we go.  Becoming aware of the ownership of these things and taking small steps to remove them will go a long way in our own personal success and happiness, as well as the happiness and success of all the people around us.

There are three things that you own that are keeping you from everything that you want.

That’s a pretty bold statement, but it’s true, and one of them is a goat. Yep, a goat.

I’m as guilty as the next person. Owning these three things have prevented me from the relationships I want, the opportunities I want, and even the things I want in life.

Here are the three things you own that are keeping you from what you want, and what you can do about it: Click to Read More