Do Hard Things!

When I was young my dad gave me quite a few Herculean tasks. They were epic in size, labor and time. They also shaped me into the man I am today.

Throughout high school and college my coaches designed grueling workouts, challenges, and tests, that in the moment were torture, but in reflection steeled me and trained me for adversity.

The young mind has trouble seeing beyond the moment, difficultly seeing the purpose, and unfortunately allows their emotional response to distract and hinder. The good coach steps up and offers a new perspective.

Looking back, I am so glad I was “forced” to do hard things. I see now how they prepared me for other challenges much later in my life, in completely different areas. The sprints and ladder drills prepared me for adversity decades later. I learned patience, tenacity, fortitude, endurance, teamwork, greater good, service, and the ability to train myself to push past, way past, the moment of surrender.

Doing hard things matter.

If you want to get good at quitting, practice quitting. If you want to build tenacity, practice not giving up.

You’re most likely not going to choose hard things as a youth, nor as an adult. Some do, but most don’t.

Netflix, Cheetos, and the couch are screaming your name and welcoming you to some hours of leisure and fun.

The weight room, your running shoes, and the yoga mat whisper your name and promise only to test you.

The character traits you build in both are transferable to all other actions.

Why didn’t you start that project or finish? You have most likely practiced not starting and finishing.

We need people in our lives that challenge us. We need to challenge others. These challenges don’t necessarily need to be public and formal. I am challenged when I sit on my couch and see a runner go by the window. It gets me up off my butt. When I see a colleague publish, I return to the keyboard. And on and on.

To those who are doing hard things, thank you!

To the rest of us, now is a good time to start.


Looking for a dynamic speaker for your event? • Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. Want to learn more? Send me an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 121 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


FFP 021: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast I discuss the call to action, “Become the Best Version of You,” and how to really go about it. What does it mean? Why does this virtuous call to action inspire some and insult others. Most importantly, how do we actually become the best version of ourselves? These are all great questions I address in this episode.

I first heard the phrase, “Become the Best Version of Yourself” in Matthew Kelly’s book, The Rhythm of Life. It inspired me ten or more years ago, and it still inspires me now. I do not know if Matthew coined the phrase, but I am hearing it a lot more recently with other inspirational writers and speakers, and its concept in 2000 year old Stoic philosophy I am studying.

This episode will help you on the path to becoming your best you.

I hope you will leave a comment below or ask a question by selecting the ‘Ask Kelly’ tab at the top of the webpage or the ‘Send Voicemail’ tab along the side of the webpage. It would be great to hear from you. I may use your question on a future episode.

One thing that clearly separates us from our best self… excuses.

The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly is the most influential book I have ever read, and I read one page from the Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman every day. I have for the past three years.

Best to you! Get after it.

Have a great week!



Looking for a dynamic speaker for your event? • Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. Want to learn more? Send me an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 121 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

FFP 017: An Extra Hour Every Day, How to Master Your Time

The Future Focused Podcast, Episode 17 is all about mastering time.

Have you ever wished you had an extra hour in your day to get a few more things accomplished, or maybe a an extra hour of rest?

Do you ever wish you had better control of your time?

Well, you can become a master of your day, week, month and year through the smallest of adjustments and becoming more intentional with the time you have.

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast, I will walk you through a few steps to help you master the time you have, accomplish what you seek in life, and live a more dynamic life.

(Affiliate Link)

Mentioned in this podcast: 


Looking for a dynamic speaker for your event? • Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. Want to learn more? Send me an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 115 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

FFP 011: Micro Missions and Powerful Payoffs

Make the Most of Your Time with Short Bursts of Action!

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast, Kelly will focus on how to make the most of your time, by utilizing a strategy called Micro Missions, based on the ancient Japanese Philosophy of the Kaizen Way.

By using short burst of focused action on one centralized activity or outcome, you will make impressive growth, build impressive habits, and open doors to productivity pathways you never knew existed.

The key to productivity may very well be centered around “micro” concepts of action, consumption and time.

If acted upon, the concepts within this short podcast could put you and your future self in the driver’s seat to a new direction and new possibilities.

Hit “play” to get results and focused, future focused.


Mentioned in this podcast: 

I am still reading Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss and I am loving it! I read about one section every day or every other day.

I am almost finished with the new book from Gary Vaynerchuck Crushing It! and I have to say it is indeed great! I am learning so much! If you want to start a business or side hustle; it is a must.

Do the Work! by Steven Pressfield

The notebook, aka the secret tool, Kelly used to achieve success and increase productivity: This is the notebook! Click here! I hope you order one right now and invest in yourself. I will be posting about great ways I use my journal to get things accomplished and level-up. You can share your ideas in the comments below.

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into wisdom and the other 5 core leadership elements.

Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

FFP 009: How to Build Your Wisdom

In this episode of The Future Focused Podcast Kelly outlines how you can further yourself down the path toward wisdom and become a better leader and live a better live.

Win 30 days of coaching with Kelly.

In this episode, Kelly will show you: 

  • the difference between intelligence and wisdom.
  • the true definition of wisdom.
  • a valuable insight he learned from Brian Kight from Focus 3.
  • how to become a better consumer of information.
  • how to apply what you are learning.
  • how to store and recall what you learn.
  • the importance of reflection.
  • the most important questions you can ask yourself.
  • how to accelerate yourself on the path of leadership & success, saving you years!

Mentioned in this podcast:

The notebook, aka the secret tool, Kelly used to achieve success and increase productivity: This is the notebook! Click here! I hope you order one right now and invest in yourself. I will be posting about great ways I use my journal to get things accomplished and level-up. You can share your ideas in the comments below.

Enter to win 30 Days of Free Coaching with Kelly Croy, by completing this short, simple form:

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into wisdom and the other 5 core leadership elements.

Brian Kight at Focus 3.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist

Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? You can accomplish much with the right coach. I would be honored to work with you. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, or would like to inquire about the process or investment, please send me an email.)

FFP 006: Misconceptions of Work Life Balance

What You Need to Know to Achieve High Levels of Success

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast, I focus in on the Misconceptions of Work/Life Balance.

So many people are being mislead about what it takes to be successful. If you truly want to get amazing results in your life you need to understand the commitment and sacrifices that you will need to make.

This podcast will be a real eye-opener for many. This episode will provide the mindset and tools you need to take another step in your journey to leveling up and designing a dynamic life.

Listen and find out how you can win a free, signed copy of my book, Along Came a Leader, and hear the teaser about next month’s give away.

Learn what the two “D’s” are to true work/life balance. It isn’t what you think.

Thanks for tuning in.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Here’s the link to leaving an iTunes Review of this podcast, and once you do, email me and let me know you did, to enter yourself for a chance to win a copy of my book.

This is the link to the Tom Brady video I mentioned:

Books I am reading: 

My favorite read from last year: The Daily Stoic.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuck, and his new book, Crushing It! will be out this month.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist

Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

FFP 005: What Does It Take Today?

What does it REALLY take to be successful?

Everyone wants to know the answer to the question, “What does it take to be successful?”

Too few people, I fear, actually ask themselves this question, and even fewer try to discover the answer.

In this episode, I share my thoughts on how to better frame this question, and offer you some insight on how to make significant progress in achieving your goals. I’ll explain: why you need a proverbial “leg day”, how to make sure you have the advantage of an end-of-year review statement on yourself, the questions you really need to ask yourself, and offer up some advice on some things you really need to stop doing.

(Remember to leave a review of this podcast for a chance to win a copy of Kelly’s book.)

Mentioned in this podcast:

My favorite read from last year: The Daily Stoic.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuck, and his new book, Crushing It! will be out this month.

The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast by Tim Ferriss

The Focus 3 Podcast by Tim and Brian Kight

A book mentioned by Terry Crews, The Master Key System.

And many updates on my book Along Came a Leader, and my speaking.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist

Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

A List of The Most Influential Books to Read

I love to read.  I’m one of those people that has more books than I have time, yet I always reserve a portion of my day for reading. Reading is my workout for my brain. 

I have a stack of books that I am looking forward to reading later, a list I am reading now, a wish-list of books to checkout and I am always adding to my “books to read” list in my journal from the recommendations of friends and people I admire.

I am thankful for my middle school English teacher, Mrs. Romick for providing me with a list of books that made me fall in love with reading. I am thankful for my mother for being a great model of the importance of reading. I am thankful for my father for surrounding me with good books. Books change lives.

I wanted to share with you a list of books that I believe are life-changers. I have read every one and recommended them to others many, many times. Perhaps you can add them to your list or order a copy as a gift for a friend. Books are wonderful.

Here is a list of some of the most influential books in my life: Click to Read More