FFP 005: What Does It Take Today?

What does it REALLY take to be successful?

Everyone wants to know the answer to the question, “What does it take to be successful?”

Too few people, I fear, actually ask themselves this question, and even fewer try to discover the answer.

In this episode, I share my thoughts on how to better frame this question, and offer you some insight on how to make significant progress in achieving your goals. I’ll explain: why you need a proverbial “leg day”, how to make sure you have the advantage of an end-of-year review statement on yourself, the questions you really need to ask yourself, and offer up some advice on some things you really need to stop doing.

(Remember to leave a review of this podcast for a chance to win a copy of Kelly’s book.)

Mentioned in this podcast:

My favorite read from last year: The Daily Stoic.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuck, and his new book, Crushing It! will be out this month.

The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast by Tim Ferriss

The Focus 3 Podcast by Tim and Brian Kight

A book mentioned by Terry Crews, The Master Key System.

And many updates on my book Along Came a Leader, and my speaking.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

FFP 004: Turn a Setback Into a Power Move

Don't Just Recover From a Setback, Leverage It Into Greater Success, At a Faster Pace!

This fourth episode of The Future Focused Podcast is all about How to Turn a Setback Into a Power Move.

I don’t want you to simply recover from a setback, I want you to be able to turn into something you can benefit from and catapult yourself into even a greater success.

Yes, a setback really can become a power move with the mindset, systems, actions, and tips discussed in this episode. I was sure to give you genuine examples and everything is actionable.

Listen to this podcast because you will experience a setback at some point. It’s not if it’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of when. Will you be prepared? You will if you listen to this podcast.

Also, I have book giveaway opportunity mentioned in this podcast as well as a reveal of what my next publication will be. I hope you will take a listen and follow along at www.KellyCroy.com.

Mentioned in this podcast:
Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss This is the book I am currently reading!
Along Came a Leader by me, Kelly Croy: This is my book!
A Reveal of My Next Project

Book Kelly Croy to be the speaker at your next event.


Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

One Simple Change for a Lifetime of Results: The Kaizen Way

Kelly Croy Productivity Speaker Writer Artist kaizen

The Kaizen Way is a concept that I believe can dramatically impact your personal and professional life without stress, guilt, and anxiety. It’s simple and effective. It leap frogs fear and procrastination and gets results. 

I recently asked a friend if he had any resolutions for the new year and he replied, “Yes, I plan to do one push-up a day.”

I smiled, knowing there had to be more to the story, and I asked, “One? That’s a bit small isn’t it?”

My friend then introduced me to the concept of the Kaizen Way. He explained to me that when he gets down on the floor to complete his one push-up for the day that he always does a few more than just the one.  He doesn’t overthink what he has to do. He doesn’t worry about how he is going to fit three sets of forty pushups into his schedule, or anything like that.  He just gets down on the floor and does his one push up aiming for improvement.  It’s simple. It’s neat. It works.

This is a new area of focus for him. He doesn’t already have a massive amount of upper body strength, so doing some pushups every day of the year will be a big boost. The word “kaizen” is the Japanese word for improvement. It was once poorly applied in the workplace as forcibly making employees discover and apply constant improvement, all the way from the head of the company down to the newly hired, to a point of creating a work environment of stress and undue pressure. Kaizen, or constant improvement is a great concept, but I like my friend’s version better because it eliminates the stress and allows the participant to self-assess and reflect on how deeply to apply the improvement. This contemporary version of The Kaizen Way is personal and enchanting. In essence, the Kaizen Way asks you to take one small step each day to make an improvement in your life. 

I decided to try this concept of the Kaizen Way in my own life. You see I own a guitar, but I do not know how to play it. I have always wanted to learn. I have thought about lessons, and books, and YouTube videos, and other educational tools, but success always eluded me. 

Why haven’t I been able to learn anything on the guitar? Easy.  I haven’t really tried. The process itself stops me cold: get the guitar out of the closet, take it out of the case, use the tuning app on my iPhone to tune it, start the lesson, practice, put it all away, etc. No wonder I have never learned even a little bit of how to play the guitar. The key of course has been to simplify the process and redefine what I need to do.  Yes, this is a mind trick. 

This year I applied the Kaizen Way to my desire of learning to play the guitar. I decided I would learn to play just one chord a day. Just one chord. That’s it.  Guess what happened?  In a matter of a few weeks I have learned a couple of chords! They aren’t the greatest sounding chords in the world, but it is more than I have learned in my entire life of owning that guitar due entirely to my friend’s simple explanation of this Kaizen concept. 

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I took the guitar out of the case and keep it in plain sight. I have to walk by it now. I see it, I grab it, and I play a chord. I have actually never played just one chord; I always play a few. It’s working. I don’t set a timer or anything like that. It’s a carefree exercise that is building a habit of improvement and it’s enjoyable and relaxing. That’s really the secret; the Kaizen Way builds habits. It simplifies the process, leapfrogs the fear, and builds positive habits without guilt. 

Setting goals and making plans is great. There are many places in our life for rigor. Sometimes, however, we need to relax and apply small bits of improvement without the anxiety of multi-step procedures, timed intervals, and measured improvement. 

Imagine if we all took one very small action each day to be a better neighbor, a little more productive at work, or to read just a page of a book. Well, don’t just imagine it, apply the Kaizen Way to your life and see how it works for you.  

If you would like to learn more about how to apply this concept to your personal and professional life, grab a copy of the book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer.

(Note: A thank you to Michael Matera for introducing me to The Kaizen Way.)

Kelly Croy 

Speaker, Artist and Educator

Invite Kelly to speak at your event!




October is Bully Prevention Month: Here’s a Tool to Help

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October is bullying prevention month. In truth, as a educator, I know every month is, but this is the month that we try to bring national and global attention to solutions that help those impacted by bullying.

I am proud that schools invite me each year to speak and share my art to help students, educators, and families take action to reduce bullying.  I wish I could share my message to every school; I believe it makes a difference. I recently shared my art and words with 1400 students and staff at Perrysburg Middle School in Perrysburg, Ohio. It is always a joy talking with teachers and students about the importance of leadership.  In this particular presentation I was asked to kickoff the schools Owelus Bullying Program to help build leadership within the classes. It was a great day. 

I wrote the following article to help students, families, and schools take action against bullying.  Please download it for free here and share with everyone you know. What Everyone Needs to Know About Bullying by Kelly Croy.pdf

The opposite of bullying is leadership.  We’re all in this together.  Let’s build leaders.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist. 

He entertains and amazes audiences across the nation

with his art and words. The art is brought to life with computer animation.

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.




Book Launch! You’re Invited!

ACAL invitation

Thank you to my talented friend Sean Junkins for creating this awesome invite!You are invited to celebrate with me this Thursday, July 30th from 5 PM to 8PM as I launch my very first book, Along Came a Leader. There are several ways you can join in on the book launch.  First, you can attend the book launch party at the Rocky Point Winery in Marblehead, Ohio.  You can order a softcover or a digital copy from Amazon.com, or you can order a personalized signed copy from www.AlongCameaLeader.com and have it shipped to your house. I will also be sharing some of the book launch event on the Periscope App, using my @WiredEducator user name.

I am really pleased with how well the book turned out and I believe it has the potential to impact organizations both big and small. Leadership is very important and something we teach and nurture.

Hope you join me in celebrating the launch of Along Came a Leader.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist. 

He entertains and amazes audiences across the nation

with his art and words. The art is brought to life with computer animation.

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.




The Thirteen Best Productivity Apps for Your iPhone

Businessman working at his workplaceThe iPhone is an amazing productivity tool or an amazing distraction depending on the apps you use. I have my share of apps for distractions, but I also accomplish a lot of work on my iPhone too.  It surprises me that more people don’t know about how the iPhone can help you accomplish more wherever you are at.  You can waste a lot of time and money trying to find the best productivity apps, so let me save you a little of both.

In this post I will share thirteen of my top productivity apps and annotate them with suggestions on how they can be put to best use.  I will elaborate on some of the apps in separate, individual posts later.

I would love to read what apps you would include on this list and how you use them in the comments below.


Icon175x175 Day One: I have kept a daily journal now for over sixteen years. I credit most of my accomplishments to journaling, and up until the last couple of years my journals have always been paper journals, like Moleskine. (I still use Moleskine for projects.)  I made the leap the Day One app, and I have no regrets.  The best journal is the one you have in your pocket. It has a beautiful user interface, looks great, and you can search your journal for the information you are looking for.  The search feature is key! So often I tried to find information in my written journals by flipping pages.  Most of the time I never found what I was looking for, and when I did I lost huge amounts of time. Day One is simple to use, is password protected, and has some great advanced features.  I highly recommend this app for your iPhone.

SCOI0091 summary icon 100x100 Evernote: Evernote is my secure electronic filing cabinet.  While I don’t keep a daily journal in Evernote, all of my notes from meetings, conferences, upcoming events, and projects go here.  Evernote is secure and searchable.  I can find whatever I am looking for.  When I want to remember something I use Evernote. It includes audio, picture, web clippings, and so much more.  I keep finding more and more uses for it. You can start using Evernote for free at this link forever; it only costs money when you out grow the free amount of space. Also, and most importantly, it is safe and secure.
(Please click the ‘continue reading’ below in red on the right to read about eleven more great apps.)


ImagesNozbe: I have tried just about every single ‘to-do’ app in the App Store in an attempt to replace my index card for my daily to-do list. I finally found the solution, and it’s Nozbe. It is clean and simple, like my index card, and well, it just simply works. I can access my to-do list and projects via any device easily, and it appears in the notification screen on my iPhone. I’m finally done losing my to-do list. I can’t believe I finally found the replacement to my index card. Nozbe also works off your MacBook too, which is a joy to sync the two. Nozbe is an absolute joy to use and I am really utilizing the Projects functions too, which I can share with others.  Plays well with Evernote too.
Unknown Drafts: Drafts is a nice little writing program that if perfect for taking notes and writing posts for social media that you will repost again and again. It gives you a character count and allows you to publish to any social media account and works with many other apps. A couple of uses I enjoy are keeping of lists that I will send to people when they ask, like what books do you recommend.  I also use Drafts for rough drafts of future tweets and posts.  Yes, I actually do that. For instance I occasionally ask readers to purchase my book or leave a review.  I have this post stored in Drafts. Handy.
Images Coach.me: Coach.me use to be called Lift and it is great for creating daily habits with reminders.  Add habits you wish to create into this app and you can opt to collaborate with others working on the same habit, get props, reminders, and so much more. You check off the habit you complete and the app keeps track of your progress.  I really like this app for keeping track of my writing goals, practicing Spanish on DuoLingo, workouts, and so much more.
Dropbox 2012Dropbox: It’s just a great online storage center to store lots and lots of files. I backup writing projects here, some photos, and projects I am working on. I can create a folder to share with others so they can collaborate on a project of keep it private for myself. You can sign up FREE for Dropbox here.
Screen Shot 2015 01 19 at 10 08 10 PMDictionary.com Dictionary & Thesuarus: I’m surprised how many smartphone users don’t have a dictionary installed. This one is free and works offline too.  I still find myself needing a dictionary regularly on my phone and I wish the iPhone had one built in like Spotlight on the Mac. I don’t always have access to the internet believe it or not and I need a dictionary.
Screeny ios app iconScreeny: This little app does one thing really well.  It finds all the screenshots you’ve taken on your phone and gives you the option to delete all of them or pick the ones you want to keep.  I take a lot of screenshots for reference and it fills up my phone. I like this simple little utility app.
Screen Shot 2015 01 19 at 10 10 38 PM30/30: This is a unique timer that nearly makes ‘getting things done’ into a game. The concept is simple, you set the timer for whatever amount of you want to focus on a task distraction free, then when the timer is up you work on another tasks. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.  That’s what this app does… it takes a big task and breaks it up into bite sized time allotments. You will love the user interface. You can keep things simple or explore its more diverse and enriching features.
Screen Shot 2015 01 19 at 10 22 29 PMSkitch: This is a great app that works with Evernote that allows you to annotate and mark up photos. I use it all the time to explain things visually to others, from problem-solving an issue on their phone or computer to annotating a picture or a piece of writing.  Works great.
Images  Mail+: I am still in shock that even the latest iOS does not allow me to create and name groups of people to email. If I have a group of people that meet regularly like my investment club Mail+ does the trick. I use this on my iPhone and my iPad.
App store 5122x365 Countdown: I like to know how many minutes, hours, and seconds it is to my next 5K, speaking event, or family trip.  This app handles that for me. There are several on the app store.  The one I use is no longer listed but is still on my phone.  I recommend one that you like.
Unknown Scannable: I have downloaded many scanning apps for my iPhone to get documents into Evernote and other utilities. Now, Scannable, by Evernote has conquered them all.  It easily scans and manages at the same time. Great for business cards, kids artwork, to contracts and anything else that needs to be scanned and filed. Great app and free.
I have a lot of other great apps that I use for productivity that I’ll share later, but this is a powerful list to get you more productive right away.  I plan to cover a few of these in greater detail in individual posts.
If you would like to learn more ways to be more productive and build your personal and professional leadership skills I hope you’ll sign up for my monthly newsletter by clicking here, and you’ll also receive a free eBook titled, The Greatest Year of Your Life.
Two other quick productivity tips I recommend include the following. First, have an extra charge for your devices when you are on the go and I recommend Gembonics Portable Charger for your iPhone and iPad for only $22.99 it’s a bargain if you only use it once.  Best yet, it is elegant and powerful. I also recommend the Mophie Heilum case charger.  I am waiting for it to come out for my iPhone 6.Second, if you’re not backing up your Mac with Time Machine, you are way past time to start doing so.  Grab a nice hard drive and start backing up. It is easy and important.  No excuses. My favorite is Lacie’s Rugged 2 TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive for $169, but there are good hard drives available for half the price too.
Productivity is in the palm of your hand. Good luck.
For even more help with personal and professional leadership, please check out Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist. 

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words.  

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



Book Title and Cover Announcement

HR Along Came A Leader  High ResolutionI am pleased to announce the title of my nonfiction book on leadership: Along Came a Leader, as well as the cover design. 

I have been speaking and sharing insights on leadership to organizations of all sizes, for many years. I am proud to have shared my art and words across the nation and help make a difference.

 It has been a dream of mine to organize my concepts, keynotes and articles on leadership into a book. I have been working on this dream for many years. This summer I completed this dream.

The complete title is Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership.

Along Came a Leader is being converted into a mobile format to first be shared as Kindle eBook then on to the iBookStore and other mobile formats.  In the upcoming weeks I will announce a Kickstarter Campain to help

fund a printed version of the book. I will offer incentives for supporting the campaign such as your name as a patron inside the printed version as well as copies of the printed book, an audio version, signed art prints, and more. My goal is to get printed versions of this important book on leadership in the hands of students and organizations that desperately wish to influence and nuture future leaders.

Everyone will be notified when each version of the book is available. At the moment I am just excited to celebrate this moment of accomplishment and share it with you. It always feels great to finish.

Everyone agrees that leadership is important. Parents tell me this. Business owners tell me this. Coaches, teachers, athletes, managers, college recruiters, teachers, professors… and everyone I have ever met, all agree that leadership not only makes a difference, it IS the difference. All of them, it seems, believes the other will take care of the teaching and training of leadership. Even fewer seem to know where to begin. My book, Along Came a Leader, was written to remedy this problem and help forge new leaders that will indeed make a difference.

HR Along Came A Leader  High Resolution

How to Advertise… to Yourself!

Self talk

You may not be aware of it but you are advertising to yourself every minute of the day. I’m talking about those little comments that you say to yourself. Everyone engages in self talk, whether it is audible or just thoughts inside our head. We need to be careful about what we say, because it is more powerful than the billions spent each year on commercial advertising.

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book:

I read a wonderful book years ago on sports’ psychology titled Toughness Training for Sports by James E. Loher. In it, I learned that the majority of our self-talk is negative.  The author emphasizes that negative self-talk is damaging and that positive self-talk improves the success of Olympic and professional athletes.  This is huge, because we can change our self-talk and practice giving ourselves a great advantage.


What we say to ourselves is far more damaging than any criticism from others. Be intentional about how you talk to yourself and 

about yourself. 


Sometimes this negative self-talk is picked up by others.  They hear us talk to ourselves.  They hear the “I blew that one!”, “I suck!”, and the occasionally “I’m an idiot!”.  Some people are even posting their failures on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. 

You don’t have to go around bragging all of the time, but why advertise failures?  Turn that loss into a lesson and post what you learned.  Work at making the majority of your self talk positive.  


The expert suggests replacing, “Crap! I always miss that shot!” with “Next time I’m going to nail that shot!” 


You must learn to make positive statements about yourself and when talking to others. 

You might be surprised by who is actually listening to the comments you think you are only making to yourself, and even if they can’t our bodies do indeed project what we say to it. I can see “Crap! I always miss that shot!” on a person’s face as easily as I can hear it. 

Feed yourself doses of positive self talk and begin to be amazed at your results. Talking positive and creating some default positive mantras has been a major source of productivity and success for me personally. I also attest that doing so has helped me to create a winning attitude. People will always choose to follow and spend time with someone positive over someone negative any day of the week. 


You have to discipline yourself and work at how you communicate with yourself. Make a challenge or game out of it.  Positive self talk will directly impact your dealing with others, your attitude, your tenacity, and most importantly how you think, especially when confronting a challenge.  


Practice makes perfect! What you say while playing a game will later on impact what you say at the office or on the field. Identify some key phrases you know you make and shouldn’t as well as some situations in which you make them. It might sound easy to but it takes some focused effort and discipline. 


Please know that when I am talking about self-talk, I am not just referring to what you say out loud.  I also mean those little negative comments you make to yourself in your head. Those count just as much as what you say out loud. When you catch yourself feeding your mind junk, replace it with a positive thought and statement. It works!


You need to work on positive self talk and eliminate negative self-talk entirely.  Be your own public relations worker.  Get the message out there that you are confident, successful, and have a winning attitude.  You need to sound like a leader. 


Mantras, Slogans, and Mottos


Positive self talk is used by top executives, professional and Olympic Sports athletes, and by corporations. We can use it too. Create a mantra, slogan, motto, or creed to live by, or adopt someone else’s you admire until you do.

I believe every organization should have a slogan and most importantly they should live up to it. There is nothing worse than having something arrive late from someone proclaiming to be fast and on time. You know what I mean. Live by the words you use as your motto. 

I cannot help but think that much of my success stems from my Tuesday night Boy Scout meetings. Every Tuesday at seven o’clock I pledged to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight.  Furthermore, I took a weekly Oath and recited the twelve points of the Scout Law. 


Every Sunday I recited my Christian Creed aloud with my fellow Parishioners, as well as each night and morning. 


The words we use matter, whether we are using them to describe others or ourselves. We need to communicate these meanings very carefully and intentionally. Write and recite your creed regularly. We become what we envision. We become what we say.


Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.

