My November 3, 2021 Newsletter
Four Awesome Ideas to Level-Up and Design a Better Life!
Hello there!
Something great is around the next corner for you, now let’s get to 4 Ideas to Knock Around, shall we?
- Quote I’m Reflecting on: “Spend more time cheering for yourself than your favorite sports team. Most people do the opposite and wonder why they’re so unhappy.” ~Jarek Lewis (Share this on Twitter)
- How to Read More Books Than You Ever Imagined: I recently came across an amazing app for my phone called Blinkist that provides written and audio summaries of books that I can consume like potato chips. (If you’ve never seen me consume potato chips, you’re welcome.) I was skeptical of Blinkist, but tried the free 7-Day trial, and then I fell in love. I know I’ll never be able to consume all the books I want to read about becoming a better human, building a better business, and many other important categories, yet Blinkist breaks down the core concepts of books I know I’ll never get to and offers it in easily consumable “blinks” that allow me to get the gist of an entire book in about 12 minutes. I kid you not. I’m now a subscriber. Yes, of course I still read, and a lot, and I still listen to audio books on Audible, regularly, but I love Blinkist for those books that I just want the essence of to apply in my life. You can try Blinkist for 7-Days free, and I think you will thank me; it is one of the most amazing technologies I have run across in a long time. That’s saying a lot. (Share this on Twitter)
- Awesome Mental Wellness Tips & Tools: I recently attended a presentation by Denny Doughty and Lonnie Rivera where they mentioned some quick and easy ways to improve mental wellness from legend speaker and poverty expert, Ruby Payne. Their tips included: water, tapping and touch, looking up, and breathing techniques. I NEVER knew water could impact anxiety. I had heard of some tapping techniques in the past, but I was very skeptical, a friend shared the app TappingSolutions with me and well… I am finding value. Looking up!?! Who knew that looking up, that’s right, just looking at the ceiling can improve your mental wellness. That’s easy enough to do. Breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 4 seconds, and slowly letting it go for 4, was also mentioned, and that is a practice I employed in my children’s book, Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness. Try these out and let me know how they go! I am putting all to use. Yes, I deal with anxiety every day. Some days it is a war, so I need every weapon imaginable.
- Take Out the Garbage: A Message From Me: “The garbage in this world isn’t just physical pollution. I love and admire people who decide to contribute and help. So many people either act as if it is someone else’s job, or they just don’t care. Kindness and check-ins are elite actions. Not fluff. How we deal with ‘pollution’ is a measure of our own personal and professional leadership. How do we stop contributing? How do we help clean it up? Too many pass it by or just point. I am fully committed to making the world a better place. I will not allow the negativity nor pessimism of others to delay or derail me.” (Share this on Twitter)
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