FFP 008: Attitude: The Most Important Leadership Quality of All

And What You Can Do About It

The Future Focused Podcast, Episode 8: The Most Important Leadership Quality

This episode is all about your attitude and what you can do about it. So many struggle understanding that they are in complete control of their attitude. They mistakingly believe that their attitude is a result of something that happened to them.

This episode is loaded with tips, tricks, and content to help you become a better leader.

You will immediately see results, your family will see results, and every organization you work for or are involved with will benefit, from having listened to this episode on attitude; I can’t wait to learn how it’s working for you.

Thanks for listening and sharing!

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Here’s the link to leaving an iTunes Review of this podcast, and once you do, email me and let me know you did, to enter yourself for a chance to win a copy of my book.

Here is the link to leaving to leaving a review of my book, Along Came a Leader; you will need it too for the contest.

Books I am reading: 

I am still reading Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss and I am loving it! I read about one section every day or every other day.

I am almost finished with the new book from Gary Vaynerchuck Crushing It! and I have to say it is indeed great! I am learning so much! If you want to start a business or side hustle; it is a must.

I just ordered Endurance by Commander Scott Kelly, I can’t wait to dig in.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

FFP 006: Misconceptions of Work Life Balance

What You Need to Know to Achieve High Levels of Success

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast, I focus in on the Misconceptions of Work/Life Balance.

So many people are being mislead about what it takes to be successful. If you truly want to get amazing results in your life you need to understand the commitment and sacrifices that you will need to make.

This podcast will be a real eye-opener for many. This episode will provide the mindset and tools you need to take another step in your journey to leveling up and designing a dynamic life.

Listen and find out how you can win a free, signed copy of my book, Along Came a Leader, and hear the teaser about next month’s give away.

Learn what the two “D’s” are to true work/life balance. It isn’t what you think.

Thanks for tuning in.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Here’s the link to leaving an iTunes Review of this podcast, and once you do, email me and let me know you did, to enter yourself for a chance to win a copy of my book.

This is the link to the Tom Brady video I mentioned: https://www.facebook.com/tomvstime/

Books I am reading: 

My favorite read from last year: The Daily Stoic.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuck, and his new book, Crushing It! will be out this month.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

FFP 005: What Does It Take Today?

What does it REALLY take to be successful?

Everyone wants to know the answer to the question, “What does it take to be successful?”

Too few people, I fear, actually ask themselves this question, and even fewer try to discover the answer.

In this episode, I share my thoughts on how to better frame this question, and offer you some insight on how to make significant progress in achieving your goals. I’ll explain: why you need a proverbial “leg day”, how to make sure you have the advantage of an end-of-year review statement on yourself, the questions you really need to ask yourself, and offer up some advice on some things you really need to stop doing.

(Remember to leave a review of this podcast for a chance to win a copy of Kelly’s book.)

Mentioned in this podcast:

My favorite read from last year: The Daily Stoic.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuck, and his new book, Crushing It! will be out this month.

The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast by Tim Ferriss

The Focus 3 Podcast by Tim and Brian Kight

A book mentioned by Terry Crews, The Master Key System.

And many updates on my book Along Came a Leader, and my speaking.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

FFP 004: Turn a Setback Into a Power Move

Don't Just Recover From a Setback, Leverage It Into Greater Success, At a Faster Pace!

This fourth episode of The Future Focused Podcast is all about How to Turn a Setback Into a Power Move.

I don’t want you to simply recover from a setback, I want you to be able to turn into something you can benefit from and catapult yourself into even a greater success.

Yes, a setback really can become a power move with the mindset, systems, actions, and tips discussed in this episode. I was sure to give you genuine examples and everything is actionable.

Listen to this podcast because you will experience a setback at some point. It’s not if it’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of when. Will you be prepared? You will if you listen to this podcast.

Also, I have book giveaway opportunity mentioned in this podcast as well as a reveal of what my next publication will be. I hope you will take a listen and follow along at www.KellyCroy.com.

Mentioned in this podcast:
Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss This is the book I am currently reading!
Along Came a Leader by me, Kelly Croy: This is my book!
A Reveal of My Next Project

Book Kelly Croy to be the speaker at your next event.


Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

Introducing The Future Focused Podcast

I've Started a New Podcast Focused on Leadership, Productivity, & Designing a Dynamic Life

I am excited to announce a new project that I have been working on for quite awhile. I have started a podcast titled The Future Focused Podcast. 

(I have been podcasting for three years now as the host of The Wired Educator Podcast. It has been a joy to interview amazing educators around the world and share their stories and successes with other educational leaders.  It has been featured on iTune’s “What’s Hot!” list of podcasts and has received numerous recognition from educational institutions and leaders as one of the top influential educational podcasts, including a rave review and recommendation from ISTE. What I am most proud of though is that The Wired Educator Podcast has really made an impact in education. That was my goal. So, I fully plan to continue hosting the podcast and interviewing amazing educators. It is also a lot of fun to host the show.)

The Future Focused Podcast is brand new and officially starts this January, however, you can sneak an early listen here. The Future Focused Podcast is aimed at people who want to level-up their leadership both professionally and personally. The podcast will be under 20 minutes and focus on an actionable message that inspires, challenges, and provides valuable content to help you make the most of your life.

Since publishing my book, Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal & Professional Leadership, I have recognized an even greater need to help people become a stronger leaders in new forms of media. Many people who need this message do not read books or simply would benefit from micro-doses of audio inspiration and tools. So, the idea for the Future Focused podcast was formed.

I kicked around a lot of ideas for the title of the podcast, but finally settled on Future Focused because that is what leaders are about; they want to become their best-self and help others along this same path.

The Future Focused Podcast will help you: level-up your leadership, design a dynamic life, become your best-self, secure a set of unshakeable skills, inspire you to become a life-long-learner, and make incremental, but consistent growth each and every day.

I hope you will: take a listen to the podcast, subscribe, leave a review and share it with others. 

I don’t just want to wish you a happy new year, I want to help you make it happen.




A Beginner’s Guide to a Successful Day:

Don’t be:

  • bitter
  • anxious
  • mean-spirited
  • a gossiper
  • negative
  • a worrier
  • wasteful
  • distant
  • late
  • sloppy


  • kind
  • happy
  • confident
  • productive
  • athletic
  • disciplined
  • grateful
  • resourceful
  • loving
  • positive
  • an encourager
  • present
  • prepared
  • a smiler

What would you add?

It’s amazing really how the removal of a single bad habit, or the start of a new, empowering habit, can make a tremendous difference in your life and the lives of everyone you come in contact.

Conversations and a Gathering of Great Minds

Bag and hands by Alejandro Escamilla

Image by Alejandro Escamilla

I recently had breakfast with an old friend at a restaurant. He told me he meets there with a group of men regularly, and they talk about education, kids, curriculum, and the world. They even had a little brass plaque on wall with their initials engraved on it.  It was early, but the conversation put my mind in the right mode of thinking for the entire day. New perspectives were shared. I saw topics in a new light, and, well, I shared some of my ideas too.

Today, I was listening to a few minutes of a show titled GPS on CNN. I caught it just by chance. Just one of those moments where I was getting a snack when I shouldn’t have, and the TV was on in the kitchen.  What a great show! I’m not sure I am intelligent enough to grasp everything it covered, but I enjoyed the variety and richness of discussion. The show focused on solutions and big ideas.

I was inspired by the host’s guest too, “Homeless Billionaire” Nicolas Berggruen, who has recently  started a ‘think tank” where the top minds of the world will gather and well… think. He is building an institute that focuses on free speech, curiosity, and diversity. Nicholas calls this institute a “secular monestary” where scholars will live, work, host meetings, and talk about a range of topics from technology, philosophy to government, and more! He says he wants to give the world a place where people can have conversations.

These two events, my friend’s gathering at breakfast and the CNN story, are the same concept at different levels. Both groups, one big and one small, are focused on getting great minds together and having a conversation.

Are we doing this? Are we having discussions? This is more than liking pictures and status updates. These are face-to-face conversations in real time. This is setting aside a time to meet in person, spend time together, talk and then collaborate on solutions.

I was fortunate to have been invited to Berlin, Germany this summer to do just that with amazing educators from all around the world at the Apple Distinguished Educator Global Institute 2016. It was amazing and beneficial. This was thinking big on a big scale. This should happen often and so should smaller discussions too, at smaller levels.

How can we do more of this?  How can you or I get a group of thinkers together to talk and collaborate?

I challenge you this week to do just that. Start something. Join something. If you accomplish it online, well, I guess that is okay,  but if you can find a way to meet in person I think you will see many added benefits.

As an English teacher I am reminded of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and G. K. Chester meeting at a pub regularly for a talk. They called themselves The Inlkings. What came from these “talks” is some of my favorite literature and essays.

On my podcast I recently interviewed two authors about a trip they took home after a conference. They rode together in a car and talked. From this conversation sprang forth the idea for a book which was recently published on a very important topic.

These ‘think tanks’ or conversations are important. While they of course can “just happen” from time to time, imagine the results if we actually planned a few.

Kelly Croy  • Speaker, Artist and Educator • Invite Kelly to speak at your event!
www.KellyCroy.com  •  info@kellycroy.com  •  1-800-831-4825 

Please send me information on:

One Simple Change for a Lifetime of Results: The Kaizen Way

Kelly Croy Productivity Speaker Writer Artist kaizen

The Kaizen Way is a concept that I believe can dramatically impact your personal and professional life without stress, guilt, and anxiety. It’s simple and effective. It leap frogs fear and procrastination and gets results. 

I recently asked a friend if he had any resolutions for the new year and he replied, “Yes, I plan to do one push-up a day.”

I smiled, knowing there had to be more to the story, and I asked, “One? That’s a bit small isn’t it?”

My friend then introduced me to the concept of the Kaizen Way. He explained to me that when he gets down on the floor to complete his one push-up for the day that he always does a few more than just the one.  He doesn’t overthink what he has to do. He doesn’t worry about how he is going to fit three sets of forty pushups into his schedule, or anything like that.  He just gets down on the floor and does his one push up aiming for improvement.  It’s simple. It’s neat. It works.

This is a new area of focus for him. He doesn’t already have a massive amount of upper body strength, so doing some pushups every day of the year will be a big boost. The word “kaizen” is the Japanese word for improvement. It was once poorly applied in the workplace as forcibly making employees discover and apply constant improvement, all the way from the head of the company down to the newly hired, to a point of creating a work environment of stress and undue pressure. Kaizen, or constant improvement is a great concept, but I like my friend’s version better because it eliminates the stress and allows the participant to self-assess and reflect on how deeply to apply the improvement. This contemporary version of The Kaizen Way is personal and enchanting. In essence, the Kaizen Way asks you to take one small step each day to make an improvement in your life. 

I decided to try this concept of the Kaizen Way in my own life. You see I own a guitar, but I do not know how to play it. I have always wanted to learn. I have thought about lessons, and books, and YouTube videos, and other educational tools, but success always eluded me. 

Why haven’t I been able to learn anything on the guitar? Easy.  I haven’t really tried. The process itself stops me cold: get the guitar out of the closet, take it out of the case, use the tuning app on my iPhone to tune it, start the lesson, practice, put it all away, etc. No wonder I have never learned even a little bit of how to play the guitar. The key of course has been to simplify the process and redefine what I need to do.  Yes, this is a mind trick. 

This year I applied the Kaizen Way to my desire of learning to play the guitar. I decided I would learn to play just one chord a day. Just one chord. That’s it.  Guess what happened?  In a matter of a few weeks I have learned a couple of chords! They aren’t the greatest sounding chords in the world, but it is more than I have learned in my entire life of owning that guitar due entirely to my friend’s simple explanation of this Kaizen concept. 

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I took the guitar out of the case and keep it in plain sight. I have to walk by it now. I see it, I grab it, and I play a chord. I have actually never played just one chord; I always play a few. It’s working. I don’t set a timer or anything like that. It’s a carefree exercise that is building a habit of improvement and it’s enjoyable and relaxing. That’s really the secret; the Kaizen Way builds habits. It simplifies the process, leapfrogs the fear, and builds positive habits without guilt. 

Setting goals and making plans is great. There are many places in our life for rigor. Sometimes, however, we need to relax and apply small bits of improvement without the anxiety of multi-step procedures, timed intervals, and measured improvement. 

Imagine if we all took one very small action each day to be a better neighbor, a little more productive at work, or to read just a page of a book. Well, don’t just imagine it, apply the Kaizen Way to your life and see how it works for you.  

If you would like to learn more about how to apply this concept to your personal and professional life, grab a copy of the book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer.

(Note: A thank you to Michael Matera for introducing me to The Kaizen Way.)

Kelly Croy 

Speaker, Artist and Educator

Invite Kelly to speak at your event!


