FFP 014: Side Hustle or Budget?

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast I answer a listener’s question, “Should I focus on a side hustle, or a budget?” and I elaborate on last episode’s “What Everybody Needs to Know About Money But is Afraid to Ask.”

I am recording a few episodes just on finances and our lives to help people get control of their lives. Being Future Focused includes your finances. There are many take-aways from this episode for everyone in life, regardless of where you are at financially. Most people don’t have an earning problem, they have a spending problem. For others, just a few extra dollars each month that could make a noticeable impact on those they love.  There are others who will listen this podcast and run with it so hard that they will take their life to an entirely different level.

I hope this episode empowers you and helps you improve your life and the lives of those you love. I wish this was taught in schools and I wish someone had taught it to me when I was younger. This information works!

Mentioned in this Podcast & Additional Resources: 

YNAB: You Need a Budget: a book/guide written by Jesse Meecham that I highly recommend. It’s a quick, but important read. The proven system for breaking the paycheck to paycheck cycle, getting out of debt, and living the life you want. Grab this book now.

The Side Hustle School: If you are thinking of starting a side-hustle, you have to check out the work, blog and podcast of Chris Guillebeau. He is brilliant. I would love to interview Chris for both my Future Focused Podcast and my Wired Educator Podcast.

Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn. Pat has taught me so much, and he is a must-listen for all my readers and listeners. Pat did an interview with me on my Wired Educator Podcast Episode 079. Listen to my interview with Pat, and more importantly, subscribe to Pat’s podcast. You will thank me.

Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days: This book is written by Chris Cuillebeau. It’s a winning system to making some extra money and so much more. Don’t just order it. Don’t just read it. Apply it. Grab your copy here.


Kelly Croy is a speaker, author, and educator. Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into six core leadership elements. •  Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 


Where? One of Life’s Most Important Questions.

We do not have control of when we live, but we do have much control over where we live?

”Where?” may be one of the most important questions you will answer in your life.

Real Estate agents’ mantra has always been, “Location. Location. Location.”

This past week alone, I watched a nation, perhaps a globe, celebrate and agonize where an NBA sensation chose to spend the next chapter of his life. I learned of several friends and colleagues choosing new career paths in new locations. I traveled for hours and vacationed with my family in a location much warmer and exotic than where we choose to live and work.

Where really does matter!

Would Steve Jobs have had the same innovative influence if had lived in Kentucky?
Would Thomas Jefferson have written with such passion in Europe?
Would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have spoken with such eloquence and marched in the streets of Toronto?
Perhaps, but “where” was a muse and influence for so many who have made lasting contributions, accomplishments and impact.
Do you have a location that moves you to act? Create? Do?

Options are wealth!

The Wright Brothers built their plane in Ohio, but they took it to North Carolina for the wind.
The Beatles took their music to America to become Rock & Roll legends.
Having the ability to travel, visit or relocate is in itself a form of wealth, a form of education, and a form of inspiration. New locations can spur creative ideas, aid wisdom, and lessen woes.

The internet helps.

One could argure that ‘where’ matters less due to the internet, and there is a lot of truth to that. The internet equals the playing field for many entrepreneurs and creatives. Many actors and comedians today are being found on YouTube, who years earlier would have needed to make a pilgrimage to Hollywood or New York City. But… the internet is still a location. It is in fact a “where.” You need be there to be discovered.

For centuries America has been been known to the world as “The Land of Opportunity.” It is certainly one of the most important “wheres” in modern history. Will that ideal and trend continue? What is it about America that has made it such an incredible land of opportunity?

Are you ‘where’ you need to be?
Are you intentional about ‘where’ you are?
What makes a place a special place for creatives, learners, and doers?

Some doers of deeds simply made their “where.” They created their special place from an extra room. A spare bedroom becomes a studio or office. Their ‘where’ was a gallon of paint and a desk.

Location does not do it alone, though. How many others lived in those same areas, at the same time, and did little or nothing at all?

You not only control where you live, you also control what you do. You need both.

Perhaps the only move you need to make, is inside you.

Kelly Croy is a speaker, author, and educator. Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into six core leadership elements. •  Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

The ‘Tom-Hanks-Trick’ to Productivity, and a Challenge for Us All.

I once read that the actor Tom Hanks likes to hold himself accountable for his writing by making an “X” on an old-school calendar each day that he writes. He likes to make as long a chain of connecting “Xs” as possible. Obviously the longest chain produces the most writing, but more importantly, the longest chain also reinforces the positive habit he wants, writing.

I believe the same idea of positive reinforcement can hold true for challenges. I have always enjoyed a good challenge that leads to productivity or self improvement. I guess I am a bit competitive.

This month I have a challenge for myself and a challenge for you.

My challenge: I really want to strengthen my habit of blogging more regularly, so I am going to blog on one of my two sites (kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com) every day this month. I am hoping that at the end of the month I develop a habit of blogging more frequently and forcing myself to schedule the time to write, and get over the small obstacle in my brain that keeps telling me I need everythig to be “just so” in order to write. I want my writing to be a part of my life, and a part of my day. That’s my challenge; I will post a blog every day for the entire month.

Your challenge: I’d like you to read my post every day and leave some feedback if you can. I think that would be incredibly helpful to me, and I hope the posts I write are incredibly helpful to you. You can also challenge yourself to writing every day in your journal (start one) as it has served me incredibly well as a tool for increased productivity and creativity. Or… perhaps there is something else that you’ve been wanting to start doing that you just haven’t gotten around to yet, well… I challenge you! Begin. Let me be push you needed.

I think challenges of doing things are much more powerful than challenges to deny yourself something, like dieting. I hope you will use this challenge to start something.

Worse case scenario for both of us: we don’t make the full thirty days, but we started. We tried. We did something. I know this, every transformation, novel, movie, project, art or idea that saw it’s way to fulfillment began with a very first action. I’m sure many were ugly, small, and shaky.

I have no idea if Tom Hanks really puts an “X” on a wall calendar every day that he writes, but sometimes the story is more powerful than the truth, and in this case the story motivated me, and perhaps I have now motivated you.

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into six core leadership elements.

Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

FFP 013: Money: What You Need to Know But Are Afraid to Ask

What Everyone Needs to Know About Money but is Afraid to Ask:

In this episode of The Future Focused Podcast I tackle a topic many are uncomfortable discussing, money. There are so many misconceptions and misunderstandings about money.

Money is one of the areas in our life that we have the most control over, but do so little about. Why? Because most people are either afraid to ask questions in fear of looking dumb, or pretend they have it all figured out.

I am clearly not a millionaire, nor am I a financial advisor, but I have learned quite a bit that has brought me success and helped me to avoid some real dangers. Listen, this is a topic where we all need to learn from each other.

I provide over a dozen tips to help you improve yourself financially. These are steps I have taken and had success with in my life. I know if applied they will bring you similar results. There are things you can be doing, that are very simple, that will give you an incredible edge in life. No one is telling you to do these things, or you don’t know how to start. Listen to this podcast.

Being financially fit is an area everyone needs to work on. I hope you enjoy this episode.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

The book you must be reading now: You Need a Budget (YNAB) by Jesse Meecham.

Money, Master the Game by Anthony Robbins

The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way you Make a Living, Do What you Want, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau

Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days by Chris Guillebeau

Please leave a review of this podcast here: Leave a Review for The Future Focused Podcast.

Share this podcast with your family and friends. Please email me your thoughts on this podcast; I’d love to hear from you.

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into six core leadership elements.

Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

FFP 012: The Moment of Transformation

Transformation is something everyone says they want. Many people believe they want to transform their bodies or their bank accounts, but they don’t know where to start. They simply do not know how to create that moment of transformation.

So, here it is… this podcast will inspire and instruct you in how to create a life-altering moment of transformation to get the results you seek. How to summon the energy and focus needed to begin, and how to use a negative moment in your life in a positive way. Regardless where you are in life, we can all get better. This podcast will give you an advantage on how to live future-focused.

Kelly shares a life-changing moment in his life and how he dealt with it. This podcast is inspirational and helpful.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

I am reading this book: Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt. This is an excellent book for getting future focused and taking action. I highly recommend it.

Here is the notebook, aka the secret tool, I use to achieve success and increase productivity: This is the notebook! Click here! I hope you order one right now and invest in yourself. I will be posting about great ways I use my journal to get things accomplished and level-up. You can share your ideas in the comments below.

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into wisdom and the other 5 core leadership elements.

Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram

Do you need a speaker for your event?

Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 



FFP 011: Micro Missions and Powerful Payoffs

Make the Most of Your Time with Short Bursts of Action!

In this episode of the Future Focused Podcast, Kelly will focus on how to make the most of your time, by utilizing a strategy called Micro Missions, based on the ancient Japanese Philosophy of the Kaizen Way.

By using short burst of focused action on one centralized activity or outcome, you will make impressive growth, build impressive habits, and open doors to productivity pathways you never knew existed.

The key to productivity may very well be centered around “micro” concepts of action, consumption and time.

If acted upon, the concepts within this short podcast could put you and your future self in the driver’s seat to a new direction and new possibilities.

Hit “play” to get results and focused, future focused.


Mentioned in this podcast: 

I am still reading Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss and I am loving it! I read about one section every day or every other day.

I am almost finished with the new book from Gary Vaynerchuck Crushing It! and I have to say it is indeed great! I am learning so much! If you want to start a business or side hustle; it is a must.

Do the Work! by Steven Pressfield

The notebook, aka the secret tool, Kelly used to achieve success and increase productivity: This is the notebook! Click here! I hope you order one right now and invest in yourself. I will be posting about great ways I use my journal to get things accomplished and level-up. You can share your ideas in the comments below.

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into wisdom and the other 5 core leadership elements.

Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

FFP 010: Tenacity: One of the 6 Essential Leadership Qualities

The Future Focused Podcast Episode 10: Tenacity is being persistently consistent and intentionally optimistic

In this tenth episode of The Future Focused Podcast, I discuss the importance of tenacity.

Tenacity is one of the essential elements of leadership, and easily one of the keys to living a life of success. So… what is tenacity, how do obtain it, and how do I sustain it? Find out in this awesome episode of The Future Focused Podcast.

Anyone can diet for a day.

Anyone can go to the gym once in awhile.

Learn how to bring tenacity into your life to level-up and design a dynamic life of success. It can be done.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Do the Work! by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Turning Pro by by Steven Pressfield

The notebook, aka the secret tool, Kelly used to achieve success and increase productivity: This is the notebook! Click here! I hope you order one right now and invest in yourself. I will be posting about great ways I use my journal to get things accomplished and level-up. You can share your ideas in the comments below.

Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into wisdom and the other 5 core leadership elements.

Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram

Enter to win 90 days of free coaching with Kelly Croy; complete this form, one winner will are chosen: https://goo.gl/forms/DfMc7Gz7rH75JRLv1

Do you need a speaker for your event? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

The notebook, aka the secret tool, I use to achieve success and increase productivity: This is the notebook! Click here! I hope you order one right now and invest in yourself. I will be posting about great ways I use my journal to get things accomplished and level-up. You can share your ideas in the comments below.

My book, Along Came a Leader, that delves deeper into tenacity and the other 5 core leadership elements.

Best to you!


Reading: Artemis by Andy Weir

Here's What I'm Ready Now!

I read a lot of books. Mostly I read nonfiction in my continuous quest to learn and get an edge on life.  I know reading helps me to level-up, gain a new perspective and offers me ideas to design a more dynamic life.

I need to read more fiction. Truly! First of all, it offers me a much needed mental vacation, in very similar ways that mindfulness does, but through reading, over movies, it activates areas of the brain that will serve our creativity and productivity well in the future. We learn from others, whether they are real or fictional. Yep, it’s true.

A few years ago I read the amazing novel The Martian by Andy Weir. It’s still one of my favorite reads. It was made into a hit movie staring Mark Wahlberg. The movie was good, but the novel was phenomenal.

Well, I just found out the author, Andy Weir has another book out: Artemis. Wow! I just ordered it and can’t wait to dig in.

So… join me. Let’s read Artemis together. Grab your copy here! Let’s take a mental vacation. Leave your thoughts, ideas, and takeaways in the comments below.

I just had to share this treasure with you.

Best to you!
