Four Awesome Ideas to Level-Up and Design a Better Life!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone,
It’s Christmas Eve, and there are eight days until the new year of 2022. I am already plotting and planning my goals and projects for the upcoming year. Are you?
It’s 54 degrees here in Ohio. That’s just weird for us. Yesterday I saw someone mowing! That’s nuts.
I hope you an your family are blessed with peace & prosperity, love & laughter, and health & happiness over the holidays and into the new year.
Here are four ideas for you to knock around:
- A quote I am reflecting on: “A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don’t change it you’re not going anywhere.” Anonymous. I am enjoying this quote as I research and write my next children’s book, An Awesome Attitude. Everthing about this book on attitude is a work in progress. The writing of the stanzas, the sketches, heck even the title are all in their infacy. I believe having an awesome attidude is the single greatest quality to living a good life, leading, being happy and finding success.
- My 3 favorite Christmas songs: These are the songs that say Christmas to me!
- O’ Come All Ye Faithful by Elvis
- The Little Drummer Boy by the Bird and the Bee (Featuring Dave Grohl) You gotta hear this one!
- Do They Know It’s Christmas by BandAid
- I spoke at the Cherry Street Mission Last Night: What an amazing gift this Christmas. I was honored and humbled to speak and share my art at The Cherry Street Mission in Toledo on the eve of Christmas Eve. I met so many wonderful people who are facing serious challenges but remain upbeat, positive and kind. So many people are in a rough transition in life, but I am grateful they have access to this amazing organization and the services they provide. Cherry Street Mission helps in so many ways. They provide shelter, food, care, services, and education of skills to transition back to work the force. What an Amazing place! My heart has been so deeply touched. I’m blessed To have brought some laughter and fun to their evening and life. I joined them for dinner and learned so much. Brilliant and beautiful people. What a great Christmas memory! Consider donating some time or money to the Cherry Street mission. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers and all the people who use their services. Shout out to Kurtis Tallman Vice President of Operations who remembered my presentation from when he was a young man and invited me out. Learn more on how to help here: One day I hope to speak at your organization and meet you! Maybe in 2022.
- A Head Start on Your Goals for 2022:
- I am joining Jon Gordon, author of The Energy Bus, for his free
- I use the app Things for a daily to-do list and GoodNotes on all my devices for daily, mobile productivity.
- I use this Moleskine Journal: daily to plan and accomplish epic stuff for the year. I get a new one every year!
- A couple of days before the new year I have a planning session for what I want to focus on and accomplish for the year. I break it into months, weeks, and eventually even days. It track progress in my journal and a Google Sheet and review these regulary. The planning of the year is exciting and fun! I hope some of these ideas inspire you.
PS: Merry Christmas!
Bonus: Visit my Instagram page to see me drawing a Santa illustration every day. They are cool speed painting videos your family will enjoy. Follow kcroy on Instagram
Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. • Sign-up for Kelly’s Newsletter. Listen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 215 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook. • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter. • Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram