My Secret Board of Directors

A Collection of Amazing People Who Unknowingly Guide Many of My Decisions

I have a secret board of directors. They unknowingly guide many of my decisions. They are without a doubt the greatest assembly of mind, virtue and practice ever collected. I kid you not.

I assembled them years ago after being inspired by the writings of Dale Carnegie, Brian Tracy and Andy Andrews.

Just imagine if you had access to the sharpest minds in the world, or in all of history, to offer you advice in the areas of finance, health, relationships, professional success or whatever decision you are currently facing. Well, you do.

These board members I assembled were at first were just people I admired and whose point of view and values I would apply to major decisions I was facing. Some of them from history, long since deceased, and others so famous and successful that I would be unable to gain actual access to them. Still, I could study their lives. Their work. I could learn from their lessons, and I could apply their success and failures to my own life. And… I have.

This idea of a secret board of directors began to take on new iterations over time. I wondered, “What if I could ask them real questions and get immediate feedback?” I studied my friend circle and the connections I had made over the years and started categorizing acquaintances in particular categories that I admired. I would send them scenarios or questions and they readily shared their thoughts. I then shared their ideas with others in the same category of brilliance to gauge their response and development of the ideas.


In deep reflection, I would pose a questions to my diverse board. Perhaps I was making an expensive purchase for the family, what would my assembled board say, and how would they vote. These are big life questions, not grocery shopping mind you. I would journal the names of my ‘acting’ board. Pose the question. (Applying for a job, buying a home, etc,) I’d jot down notes of different perspectives, and tally the votes. Maybe this sounds crazy, but it works. You can’t consider every perspective or you’d remain indecisive.

My secret board of directors has served me well. Perhaps you are on mine. Seriously. You wouldn’t know. Click to Read More


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