Great Leaders Schedule Time to Become Better and Invite the Entire Team

Last Month I had the privilege of speaking at Northwestern Water and Sewer District (NWWSD) in Bowling Green, Ohio, to conduct a leadership training that left a lasting impact on everyone involved—myself included.

Leadership isn’t just a buzzword here; it’s a practiced art. Under the guidance of Kay Ball, an amazing CFO/COO, the district made a powerful decision: to pause their daily work and routine, bring their team together, and focus on becoming better leaders. And please note… they are already extremely talented and effective leaders. They just wanted to get even better! Few do this. The BEST do this! I was incredibly honored and thrilled to lead the training.

Great organizations like NWWSD understand that true success isn’t just about day-to-day operations or meeting deadlines—it’s about investing in their people. That’s exactly what Kay and her leadership team did when they invited me in to train their staff. In a world that moves fast and often prioritizes productivity over personal growth, NWWSD stood out by dedicating time to focus on leadership development. And let me tell you, not only did we discuss leadership, but we also enjoyed some amazing barbecue (because, of course, a great leadership event needs great food!).

The Six Core Tenets of Leadership:

During the training, I had the chance to share the six core tenets of leadership from my book Along Came a Leader :

1. Attitude: It all starts here. A leader’s mindset can set the tone for an entire organization. At NWWSD, I saw firsthand how a positive, solution-focused attitude starts with the leadership team and filters down to every department.

2. Communication: Great leaders communicate effectively and frequently. I emphasized the importance of clear, honest, and empathetic communication. In a field as critical as water and sewer services, strong communication isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential. They deliver!

3. Tenacity: Challenges will come, and it’s the leaders with grit and perseverance who rise above them. The NWWSD team has faced numerous challenges over the years, and it was clear they were ready to tackle whatever comes next. Their history of success and impact is second to none, AND one of the big reasons they brought me in was to pass the torch to the next generation of this amazing organization!

4. Vision: Leadership without vision is like sailing without a compass. Kay Ball and her team exemplify vision by preparing the next generation of leaders, ensuring the district’s success long into the future. One of the highlights of my visit was discussing the power of vision with this exceptional group of professionals. They stay relevant, innovative and future-focused while honoring the traditions of their origin. Love it!

5. Authenticity: People follow real leaders. Authenticity is about leading with integrity and being true to yourself, something the team at NWWSD does exceptionally well. They’ve created an environment where individuals feel safe to be themselves while pushing for excellence. I looked around the conference table and I saw a diverse and confident group of leaders who individually are different, bringing their unique style and skills, yet work as an effective team to accomplish common goals.

6.Wisdom: I love how this team leaned into the conversation and presentation and valued their role in becoming a little better. Great leaders hold themselves accountable before they hold others to the same standard. NWWSD not only holds each other accountable but also takes responsibility for the vital services they provide to their community every single day. Just think about how important, clean, safe drinking water is! It’s vital! The pride I saw in this team spoke to my insistence on the importance of acc

The Power of Foresight and Family Leadership

Kay Ball, NWWSD’s CFO/COO, had the incredible foresight to bring her team together for this leadership training. She’s not just thinking about today’s work; she’s looking far ahead, preparing the next generation of leaders to take the reins. That kind of leadership doesn’t just benefit an organization—it transforms it. Kay understands that sustainable success requires investing in people, building them up, and giving them the tools they need to lead with purpose and intention.

During the training, every team member walked away with a copy of my book Along Came a Leader, and many of the fathers and mothers took home my book Unthink Before Bed to share with their children. It was heartwarming to see leadership discussed not only in the context of work but also how it extends to our roles at home. After all, leadership is just as crucial in the family room as it is in the boardroom.

Bryan Martikan & Kelly Croy

A Personal Highlight: Reconnecting with a Former Student

One of the most special moments for me was reconnecting with Bryan Martikan, a former student of mine whom I had the privilege of teaching and coaching. Today, Bryan is a leader at NWWSD, doing incredible work in the community. Seeing him step into leadership and excel at such a high level was a proud moment, and it’s a testament to how leadership development can have a long-lasting impact on both personal and professional growth. Bryan is living proof that leadership, when nurtured, can transform lives and organizations alike.

Investing in the Future

What impressed me most about NWWSD was their unwavering commitment to continuous improvement. They’ve set the standard for other organizations, proving that the best companies invest not just in infrastructure, but in their people. Kay Ball’s decision to pause the hectic pace of work and prioritize leadership training is the kind of forward-thinking approach every organization should adopt.

Leadership is about leaving a legacy. It’s about preparing the next generation to take what we’ve built and make it even better. I left NWWSD inspired, knowing that the future of the organization is in good hands, and confident that they will continue to be a beacon of excellence in the community for years to come.

If your organization is ready to make the leap into true leadership development, let’s talk. Together, we can build the leaders of tomorrow while thriving today.

Always forward,


I would like to speak at your event!

Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
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