3 Ways to Get Better Mileage Out of Your Attitude

Your attitude is important, a choice, and malleable.

Attitude is king.

There are thousands of areas in your life in which you could improve, but I firmly believe the most important area everyone must focus on first is their attitude. In fact, I believe that you could master all of the other qualities, yet maintain a bad attitude and you will fail as a leader and at life. Your attitude is that important!

Conversely, I believe, you could fail at all of the other qualities, yet keep a great attitude, and you will rise to levels of success.

Attitude is king.

You already possess an attitude. How is it working for you? Are you self aware? Are you able to take a step back and reflect on whether your attitude is helping you or hindering you?

Here are three ways to get more mileage out of your attitude just like a car: Click to Read More

I’m Keynoting NJECC, The 37th Annual New Jersey State Wide Educational Technology Conference

I am excited to share that I will be the keynote speaker for the NJECC, 37th Annual State Wide Educational Technology Conference this March. This is an in-person conference at Montclair State University in New Jersey. I am proud to share my message and represent my state and school district. This will be a great event. I know other Apple Distinguished Educators have spoken at this conference in the past.

I have prepared a new presentation to share with this audience, with a touch of the fun from some earlier presentations, and I am absolutely excited to bring some energy and fun to an amazing group of educators, essential staff, and leaders! Looking forward to New Jersey. Thankful and humbled for this opportunity.

NJECC’s Theme: Leading, Inspiring and Transforming Education through Technology

NJECC’s mission is to Click to Read More

Speaking at The World Education Summit

Speaking With John Hattie, Jo Boaler, Sal Kahn and so many MORE.

I am excited to be a speaker at The World Education Summit. I had three (3) sessions accepted! This is my second time speaking at the World Education Summit. Some of my education heroes are speaking there as well like: John Hattie, Jo Boaler, Sal Kahn and so many MORE. It is an extravaganza of teaching and learning! Such an honor and privilege.

Learn more at www.worldedsummit.com  and follow @WorldEdSummit #WorldEdSummit

My three (3) presentations:

Session One Title: Start a Podcast and Teach the World: The Wired Educator Podcast by Kelly Croy 

3 Key Points from Your Session

  • The Most Important Thing I Have Learned from Creating 232 Episodes
  • Discover Why Podcasting is Absolutely the Best Social Media Platform
  • Learn the Ingredients of a Successful Podcast

Session Two Title: Don’t Hope Children Develop Coping Skills for Anxiety, Teach Them: A Book Talk on Unthink Before Bed by Kelly Croy

3 Key Points from Your Session Click to Read More