FFP 008: Attitude: The Most Important Leadership Quality of All

And What You Can Do About It

The Future Focused Podcast, Episode 8: The Most Important Leadership Quality

This episode is all about your attitude and what you can do about it. So many struggle understanding that they are in complete control of their attitude. They mistakingly believe that their attitude is a result of something that happened to them.

This episode is loaded with tips, tricks, and content to help you become a better leader.

You will immediately see results, your family will see results, and every organization you work for or are involved with will benefit, from having listened to this episode on attitude; I can’t wait to learn how it’s working for you.

Thanks for listening and sharing!

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Here’s the link to leaving an iTunes Review of this podcast, and once you do, email me and let me know you did, to enter yourself for a chance to win a copy of my book.

Here is the link to leaving to leaving a review of my book, Along Came a Leader; you will need it too for the contest.

Books I am reading: 

I am still reading Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss and I am loving it! I read about one section every day or every other day.

I am almost finished with the new book from Gary Vaynerchuck Crushing It! and I have to say it is indeed great! I am learning so much! If you want to start a business or side hustle; it is a must.

I just ordered Endurance by Commander Scott Kelly, I can’t wait to dig in.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

FFP 004: Turn a Setback Into a Power Move

Don't Just Recover From a Setback, Leverage It Into Greater Success, At a Faster Pace!

This fourth episode of The Future Focused Podcast is all about How to Turn a Setback Into a Power Move.

I don’t want you to simply recover from a setback, I want you to be able to turn into something you can benefit from and catapult yourself into even a greater success.

Yes, a setback really can become a power move with the mindset, systems, actions, and tips discussed in this episode. I was sure to give you genuine examples and everything is actionable.

Listen to this podcast because you will experience a setback at some point. It’s not if it’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of when. Will you be prepared? You will if you listen to this podcast.

Also, I have book giveaway opportunity mentioned in this podcast as well as a reveal of what my next publication will be. I hope you will take a listen and follow along at www.KellyCroy.com.

Mentioned in this podcast:
Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss This is the book I am currently reading!
Along Came a Leader by me, Kelly Croy: This is my book!
A Reveal of My Next Project

Book Kelly Croy to be the speaker at your next event.


Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

Seven Ways to Address Teen Mobile Device Addiction

I just read an article in USA Today citing a report from Common Sense Media that 50% of teens say they are addicted to their mobile devices.

I am sure if you think about it, you would most likely agree with those finding as well. It seems everyone has their head in their device.

So, what do we do about it?

Here’s my advice:

  1. Model the use of mobile devices that you wish to see. They are watching us.
  2. Limit their alone time with their devices.
  3. Encourage “creating with their device” over consuming with their device. Work with them to create movies and other creations.
  4. Enforce bedtimes for devices. That’s right, the device is put away at a certain hour for the night and it does not go with them to their bedrooms.
  5. Establish device-free zones and device-free times. (e.g. No device in the bathroom or during dinner.)
  6. Have them show you what they do on the device. Sit with them. Remember that time you spent with them when they were little? Get that back.
  7. Create alternatives for your children and play with them. (Board games, walks, workouts, any type of social interaction will trump device consumption. They grow up so fast!)

These seven methods to help address teen mobile device addiction may be a little challenging to set-up at first. I recommend not trying to implement all seven at once. Start with one, but be firm.

Ultimately, begin this conversation with your child using a mobile device regardless of their age.

Technology is awesome when it is used well, and it can be destructive to families and lives when it is used poorly. Teach your children and students to use their devices properly.

This same advice can also be helpful to you.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Invite Kelly to speak at your event.



6 Things Olympic Athletes Do That We Should Implement

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Image by David Schap

The Olympics are amazing, but while I am utterly amazed I think most of us still really have no clue to how incredible these athletes truly are.  I really like comedian Bill Murray’s recent tweet, “Every Olympic event should include one average person competing for reference.”

What makes these athletes so incredible? Well, I won’t argue that genetically they have a lot going for them, but you would be a fool to underestimate how much they do mentally and physically to help themselves stand out and excel.

Olympic athletes have amazing focus and discipline. What can we learn from these incredible athletes to help us live better lives?

Olympic athletes: 

1) Visualize Success: Olympic athletes don’t just think positively, the speak positively using affirmations and verbal mantras and goals. They try to involve all five senses in this visulaization. They do this regularly. They literally see and practice success. I write about this in my book.

2) Have great coaches: Maybe you can’t afford a coach, but you can afford a book, a CD, or conference attendance. What resource can you obtain now to help you advance?

3) Don’t Believe in Life Balance: Olympic athletes are ‘all in.’  They realize sacrifices must be made. This may not work for you and me on a regular basis, but from time to time we need to ‘fully commit’ to realize and accomplish a life goal. I’m sure you can recall a time you did this and it made the difference. What needs more attention in your life?

4) Invest the time needed. Olympic athletes do not “find time” to work out and they certainly don’t “try.” These athletes train and schedule the time they need to practice. During that time they are distraction-free and focused. When they succeed, it is not a surprise; they were expecting success because they have been training for it. They leave the floor sopping wet with the sweat of their labor. Where do you need to invest time, and how & when you plan to schedule it?

5) Surround themselves with people who make them better. Olympic athletes are successful because they surround themselves with helpful people. When they put themselves out there, the people around them ‘get it’ and support them. The people in their lives are encouragers. They want their friend to be successful. Who in your life is making you feel like your dreams are silly, holding you back, is unsupportive? Spend less time with them, and more time with people supporting your dream.

6) Eat like ‘what they put in their body’ really matters. Most of us can do better with what we are eating. I know I can. Some people think that this doesn’t impact their work, creativity, parenting, energy, sleep, etc., but they’re wrong. How can we be just a tad more intentional about what we are putting into our bodies to advance our output?

There are many more ways that Olympians live differently than the average person, but by applying any of these six I know we will live life just a little bit better.  Join me.

I also hope you will consider adding my book, Along Came a Leader, to your list too. Maybe you can add it to your “cart” the next time you are shopping on Amazon.

Kelly Croy 

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist




Interested in having Kelly speak at your event?

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How to Advertise… to Yourself!

Self talk

You may not be aware of it but you are advertising to yourself every minute of the day. I’m talking about those little comments that you say to yourself. Everyone engages in self talk, whether it is audible or just thoughts inside our head. We need to be careful about what we say, because it is more powerful than the billions spent each year on commercial advertising.

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book:

I read a wonderful book years ago on sports’ psychology titled Toughness Training for Sports by James E. Loher. In it, I learned that the majority of our self-talk is negative.  The author emphasizes that negative self-talk is damaging and that positive self-talk improves the success of Olympic and professional athletes.  This is huge, because we can change our self-talk and practice giving ourselves a great advantage.


What we say to ourselves is far more damaging than any criticism from others. Be intentional about how you talk to yourself and 

about yourself. 


Sometimes this negative self-talk is picked up by others.  They hear us talk to ourselves.  They hear the “I blew that one!”, “I suck!”, and the occasionally “I’m an idiot!”.  Some people are even posting their failures on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. 

You don’t have to go around bragging all of the time, but why advertise failures?  Turn that loss into a lesson and post what you learned.  Work at making the majority of your self talk positive.  


The expert suggests replacing, “Crap! I always miss that shot!” with “Next time I’m going to nail that shot!” 


You must learn to make positive statements about yourself and when talking to others. 

You might be surprised by who is actually listening to the comments you think you are only making to yourself, and even if they can’t our bodies do indeed project what we say to it. I can see “Crap! I always miss that shot!” on a person’s face as easily as I can hear it. 

Feed yourself doses of positive self talk and begin to be amazed at your results. Talking positive and creating some default positive mantras has been a major source of productivity and success for me personally. I also attest that doing so has helped me to create a winning attitude. People will always choose to follow and spend time with someone positive over someone negative any day of the week. 


You have to discipline yourself and work at how you communicate with yourself. Make a challenge or game out of it.  Positive self talk will directly impact your dealing with others, your attitude, your tenacity, and most importantly how you think, especially when confronting a challenge.  


Practice makes perfect! What you say while playing a game will later on impact what you say at the office or on the field. Identify some key phrases you know you make and shouldn’t as well as some situations in which you make them. It might sound easy to but it takes some focused effort and discipline. 


Please know that when I am talking about self-talk, I am not just referring to what you say out loud.  I also mean those little negative comments you make to yourself in your head. Those count just as much as what you say out loud. When you catch yourself feeding your mind junk, replace it with a positive thought and statement. It works!


You need to work on positive self talk and eliminate negative self-talk entirely.  Be your own public relations worker.  Get the message out there that you are confident, successful, and have a winning attitude.  You need to sound like a leader. 


Mantras, Slogans, and Mottos


Positive self talk is used by top executives, professional and Olympic Sports athletes, and by corporations. We can use it too. Create a mantra, slogan, motto, or creed to live by, or adopt someone else’s you admire until you do.

I believe every organization should have a slogan and most importantly they should live up to it. There is nothing worse than having something arrive late from someone proclaiming to be fast and on time. You know what I mean. Live by the words you use as your motto. 

I cannot help but think that much of my success stems from my Tuesday night Boy Scout meetings. Every Tuesday at seven o’clock I pledged to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight.  Furthermore, I took a weekly Oath and recited the twelve points of the Scout Law. 


Every Sunday I recited my Christian Creed aloud with my fellow Parishioners, as well as each night and morning. 


The words we use matter, whether we are using them to describe others or ourselves. We need to communicate these meanings very carefully and intentionally. Write and recite your creed regularly. We become what we envision. We become what we say.


Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and speed artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

 Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.




Parenting an Artist

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I have heard a lot of people tell me that they were born without an artistic gene in their body, and that they don’t have any artistic skill. But I don’t really believe it.

I believe everyone is born with a desire and the natural ability to create and express themselves artistically. It’s what happens once you start making the art that determines whether or not you’ll continue as an artist.

Children take to art naturally. They create architecture with wooden blocks, sculptures with Play-Dough, and wonderful works of expression with paint, crayons, sticks, mud, legos, and any other medium they can get their hands on and use. They even create art with their food at the dinner table! Children are born artists.

As we grow, we create art, and it is either encouraged or deterred.

The encouraged become the artists of the world. They see what others miss. They create expressive works. They add value.

The deterred are still artists, but just need an awakening. They need a little encouragement, an opportunity, a gentle nudge. Some of the deterred rediscover their artistic talents later in life. They paint the picture, write the novel, bake the cake. Sadly, many others never find it. They cling to the fallacy that they just weren’t born with that special gene.

I am fortunate that my parents encouraged me.

Here’s how my parents helped unleash the artist within me.

My parents:

  • encouraged creative play focused on imagination and pretending.
  • read me books.
  • encouraged me to tell stories.
  • hung my art on the fridge and praised it.
  • involved me with cooking and preparation of meals.
  • filled our home with books. So many wonderful books!
  • took me to unique experiences like fairs, circuses, and concerts.
  • had instruments in the home. (I remember harmonicas, guitars, a piano, and so much more.)
  • kept paper, pens, and crayons within easy reach.
  • spoke well and with fascination of writers, painters, and performers.
  • asked me to make them gifts. (I made birthday cards and Christmas gifts.)
  • listened.
  • played with me.
  • gave me books or lessons on areas I showed an interest.
  • kept encouraging me even after I was a grown adult. (My mom still does. She’s my biggest fan.)
  • listend to music with me.
  • asked questions about my art.
  • bought me my first art supplies
  • bragged on me to others in my presence.

Parenting an artist sounds much like just good parenting, while never ceasing to make opportunities to invite artistic moments in to the life of the child.

Taking time to draw with a child is the artistic equivalent to playing catch in the front yard. A book of paintings becomes the box of baseball cards, and a trip to the museum the seats behind home plate.

If your child expresses the slightest inclination for the arts, seize every opportunity to encourage it, especially if it’s not something you know a lot about. What a wonderful opportunity to explore someplace new with your child.

I am so happy my parents took an interest in my art. It has made all the difference.

A ream of paper, a Sharpie Fine Point, and some music, and I become all that I ever dreamed of as a child.

Parent an artist.

Kelly Croy is a professional speaker and artist.

He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation

with his art and words. 

Please consider booking Kelly for your next event.



Six Things I Believe Children Need to Hear More Often

Children hear a lot of things during the course of a day. Each and every word makes a lasting impact. Parents, teachers, coaches, advisors, and mentors must choose their words carefully. We aren’t always going to have the right words at the right time, but we always need to try. Here are six things I think children need to hear more often:

1) Yes! We want to keep children safe and prevent them from becoming unruly and spoiled. The word “No” is often set as default. I think children need to hear ‘Yes’ more often. You don’t have to give in to every request, just quantify when they can do something. “Dad, can I go to a friend’s house?” Try, “Yes, but not today. When your room is clean ask me again for another day.”

2) I Make Mistakes Too! Children need to know that everyone makes mistakes, and that failing is the pathway to success. We want students to accept and demonstrate responsibility, show leadership, and try new things. When we as adults use the wrong words we need to let children know we made a mistake for that too.

3) You Can Accomplish Anything! I use to think everyone heard this from their parents. By the end of my first year of teaching, now twenty, I knew this isn’t true. This really was a great gift my parents gave me. I placed no limitations on my future. I dreamt big, and went after and achieved goals that really should have been unobtainable. Remind children every day that they too are limitless despite any odds or environment. Remind them they can accomplish anything.

4) How Can I Help You? Children need to understand that they can always ask for help, but also need to know that we aren’t going to give them the answer or do the work for them. In the age of Google, Click to Read More

Do You Really Want Your Child to Be a Leader?

I hear parents say it a lot, but I cannot help but to question their sincerity. In my twenty years of teaching and coaching, and my travels as an inspirational speaker and artist, a common theme among parents is the importance of leadership in their child’s lives.  Or so they say.

Do you really want your child to be a leader?

My experience says no. I think most parents confuse leadership with being the star. They don’t want a leader. They want their child’s picture in the paper, the trophy on the mantle, or the name on the record board. They want to tell relatives that their daughter is the captain of the team, that their son is the president of the club, and add another title to the college entrance application. They want their child to be well liked and admired. That is what I believe most parents want.

The truth is that while leadership can often be a truly rewarding experience, it is often a lot of hard work.  Leaders have responsibilities whether their team wins or loses. They are often ridiculed, criticized, and they work well beyond ‘their fair share’ with little to show for it. Leadership is not a popularity contest and it isn’t about being the star.

Do you really want your child to be a leader?

If you are still answering yes then I must ask you what you are doing to encourage that leadership? Do you criticize public leaders in front of your children? Complain about the decisions a leader has made? Do you volunteer in leadership roles? Do you offer your child opportunities to make decisions and take leadership roles? When they do, do you support them? Click to Read More