Sharing My Goals for 2023

I've Never Shared My Goals Before. Trying to Hold Myself Accountable and Encourage Others

Goals can be a very private endeavor and perhaps they should be. There are TED Talks and Stoic Philosophy to support why you should NOT share what your are working toward. There is also some research to suggest maybe you should as it helps you accomplish your goals. I know several writers that I admire who share their goals, and I find it inspiring. Regardless of which is truly right and best, I have decided to share my goals this year.

As the first month of the year comes to a close, and I’ve shared ideas and tools to help you design a better year, I thought perhaps I would share some of my goals and the thoughts behind them to help hold myself more accountable, and I hope one or two may inspire others to get outside their comfort zone, set some of their own, and make some progress.

Typically the majority of goals around the world and over time fall into three primary categories: health, finances, and relationships.

I typically make a long list of my hopes and dreams for the new year. I also have five categories that I focus on with my goals setting which are: physical, financial, family, professional and business. From all of these I also pick the top three overall goals as my primary focus.

I keep everything organized in my journal.

Again, this is my first time sharing online ever! It may be my last too.

My top three goals for 2023 are: Click to Read More