Begin Every Day with Gratitude!

Begin Every Day with Gratitude!

For years a banner hung in my classroom that read: ‘Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?’ It was one of my favorite posters because it packed so much into one small saying. I learned right away as a teacher and coach that my students and athletes would mirror my attitude.  If I arrived with an enthusiastic spirit willing to learn, so would they. If I was short-tempered and impatient, well, they would mirror that as well.  It’s no surprise then in the workplace or in sports that people mirror the attitudes of their leaders, whether they are the manager of a company, the team captain of a sports team, the classroom teacher, or a parent leading a home.  Attitudes are mirrored. 

I once read a powerful quote that went something like, “If you can’t be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you have avoided.” I just love the power of quotes.  In order to have a great attitude as a leader, you must be gracious. There is always something to be thankful for in any situation regardless of how bleak it seems. Be thankful for all that you have and begin your day by giving thanks. Run through your mind all to which you can offer thanks. Be thankful for the material things you have, the people in your life, your mental health, your physical health, opportunities, your faith, a good attitude, and anything else that crosses your mind. Get your journal out and brainstorm your thanks if necessary.  Giving gratitude puts your entire day in perspective. Your problems begin to shrink.  When you look for the best, you find it.  You’re not avoiding the problems; you’re focusing on the goal. 

So many wise and helpful leaders have shared with me the importance of gratitude.  Each emphasized the need to begin our day being grateful, and in times of doubt or trouble reminding ourselves of our blessings. It works. Every time I have encountered some dismal prospect, I remind myself of the great opportunities and people I have been surrounded within my lifetime. My attitude instantly gets back on track. 

Leaders have an attitude of gratitude. 

Give up some gratitude! When you feel the pressure building to a point that you aren’t sure you can handle it, start thinking of people, situations, and things in your life for which you are thankful. When you start thinking about what you are thankful for it puts your life in perspective.  You remember it’s not just about you. Others are counting on you.  And the biggie… many, many people have it worse than you and would trade spots with you in an instant.

How is your attitude?



Want to give your child or a child you know the gift of confidence and tools to tackle worry and anxiety? Order my new book Unthink Before Bed. It is a children’s book on mindfulness. It’s the perfect gift and bedtime book. I am so proud of it! It is a very fun read.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. Want to learn more? Send an email. Sign-up for Kelly’s NewsletterListen to Kelly’s other podcast The Wired Educator Podcast with over 179episodes of interviews and professional development. • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader a book on personal and professional leadership, and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


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