FFP 005: What Does It Take Today?

What does it REALLY take to be successful?

Everyone wants to know the answer to the question, “What does it take to be successful?”

Too few people, I fear, actually ask themselves this question, and even fewer try to discover the answer.

In this episode, I share my thoughts on how to better frame this question, and offer you some insight on how to make significant progress in achieving your goals. I’ll explain: why you need a proverbial “leg day”, how to make sure you have the advantage of an end-of-year review statement on yourself, the questions you really need to ask yourself, and offer up some advice on some things you really need to stop doing.

(Remember to leave a review of this podcast for a chance to win a copy of Kelly’s book.)

Mentioned in this podcast:

My favorite read from last year: The Daily Stoic.

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuck, and his new book, Crushing It! will be out this month.

The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast by Tim Ferriss

The Focus 3 Podcast by Tim and Brian Kight

A book mentioned by Terry Crews, The Master Key System.

And many updates on my book Along Came a Leader, and my speaking.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist


Click Here to email Kelly. 


Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

A Very Special Christmas Presentation

Art Brought to Life with Computer Animation

Is your organization looking for a dynamic Christmas themed presentation?

My name is Kelly Croy and I am a speaker and speed artist. I would like to share a wonderful Christmas Chalk Art Presentation with you.

My presentation is powerful and fun. It combines the raw energy of a live performance, the astonishment of speed art, the beauty of an artistic masterpiece, a powerful musical score, the inspiration of a masterful storyteller and the magic of literally bringing the art to life with computer animation. Yes, the art will come to life right in front of your eyes.

Chances are you have never seen a performance quite like mine. I encourage you to visit my website www.kellycroy.com and watch one of the demo videos available and read some of my posts. Every member in the audience will leave inspired, motivated, renewed, challenged, and with a smile on their face. This is one of my absolute favorite presentations and I cannot wait to share it with you. There is a surprise every other minute during the presentation. You will hear audible “ooohs and ahhhs” during the performance. You will laugh, cry, feel loved, challenged, motivated, and forever changed. I am the speaker you are looking for.

I am extremely proud of this presentation that I have created to help celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in a unique, fun, and memorable way. My Christmas presentation includes a large six foot by eight foot chalk drawing choreographed to some amazing Christmas themed music. The art is then brought to life with the use of computer animation. It will surprise and delight everyone. Each member of the audience can even go home with a small signed print of the artwork I created on stage at your event, complete with your organizationʼs logo and message. Experience the Nativity scene and the Christmas story like never before. It fun for the entire family.

My only concern is that there is a very limited number of dates possible to book between now and Christmas. I anticipate every performance night available being booked by Thanksgiving. so contact me at your earliest convenience to reserve the date. I look forward to working with you to plan an amazing evening for your group.

This presentation has been customized and shared with every organization imaginable including: civic organizations, schools, churches, business Christmas dinners, youth programs, community leaders, and more. Contact me and reserve your evening before it’s booked.

This year I have a special package available that allows the organization to keep the original eight foot by six foot art and every participant to go home with a signed art print, and a signed copy of my book, Along Came a Leader.

Organize a night to remember.

Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist





What Do You Need to Start?

We tell ourselves lots of things that aren’t helpful.

One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that we need a new tool or piece of equipment to reach a goal.

“I’ll write that novel after I get my new MacBook Pro,” said the unpublished novelist.

“I will get into shape once I order that new fitness DVD,” said the unfit house husband.

“I’ll start eating at home more often once Amazon ships me that new food processor,” said the fast food fanatic.

The truth is we don’t need new equipment to get started. In fact, we don’t need new equipment or tools to finish. We just need good daily habits.

I believe it is actually more productive to flip this kind of thinking upside down. By this I mean we need to tell ourselves that we will order item X after we meet a certain goal, not before.

Sell yourself on the idea that you’ll reward yourself with that DVD fitness tape after you walk for 30 minutes seven days in a row.

Tell yourself you will pull the trigger on the new MacBook after you draft 60,000 words.

Maybe, just maybe these will motivate you to work. And maybe you will find you don’t need after all, and decide to save yourself some money.

Quite often our desires for new equipment and tools are actually procrastination in disguise; these new tools may even distract us further. In some rare cases you may actually need a tool to perform the job, but I still think you will complete more if you force yourself to get it done without “the new” and build that much needed discipline of habit.

My new Macbook was suppose to arrive two published books ago, but I keep plugging away on this workhorse. I think I will order after I finish my next manuscript, or this blog, or something. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need to reward yourself for every accomplishment either. Keep it special, infrequent, and worthwhile.

Examine closely the tools the professionals use. I think you will find they prefer the used over the new. I could cite many examples, but I love the story of Sci-Fi writer Ray Bradbury going to the library and paying ten cents an hour to type his short stories on the library’s typewriter. If you really want it, you will find a way.

Quit telling yourself you need that new thing to accomplish a goal. Find a way to get started right night, old school, Rocky-style.

You have all the tools you need, and the most important tool is habit.


Kelly Croy

Inspirational Speaker & Performance Artist




Why You Need a Don’t-Do List

Lots of successful people create to-do lists. They are incredibly helpful. I start every single day with a special index card listing my key focus areas, actions, calls, and tasks for the day. You should too.


What I have discovered is we sometimes need to take inventory of some distractions and bad habits that keep us from being our most productive.

I always been a big believer in asking myself: What do I need to start doing, keep doing, and stop doing?

Many people just keep adding to their day and can’t seem to focus. Figure out what you need to eliminate.

Take a look at your day and examine some beliefs, self-talk, bad habits, distractions, and actions that you no longer want to be a part of your day. The intentional act of writing them down may be a good first step to eliminating them.

I work on many projects. I simply can’t work on each one every day. In order to finish something important I have to force myself to eliminate days that I will not work on certain projects and focus on others. It really does need to be intentional.

Steve Jobs once said, “I’m as proud of many of the things we haven’t done as the things we have done. Innovation is saying no to a thousand things.”


Kelly Croy • Speaker, Artist and Educator • Invite Kelly to speak at your event!

www.KellyCroy.cominfo@kellycroy.com • 1-800-831-4825

Just a Minute

I believe people completely undervalue the power of just one minute.

Sixty seconds may not seem like much, but you may be surprised at how such a seemingly insignificant amount of time can start a process of transformation.

The biggest obstacle of any task is truly starting. A minute offers exactly that, a start.

Sixty seconds can seem like an eternity when standing in a check-out line, being placed on hold on the telephone, or waiting for you turn in traffic.

Put the power of sixty seconds to work for you.
Use that sixty seconds to start folding some laundry, make that phone call you’ve been putting off, make a to-do list, drop down on the floor for some push-ups, or pen a line in your first book.

Winston Churchill wisely reminded us that, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.” Allow a mere minute to inspire you to just begin. Understand it will be a rough, imperfect, attempt at the start of something, but still the start of something that will grow into a task completed.

You may find once you begin that you actually have more than that minute or that minutes really do add up.

The next time you try to tell yourself you never have time to do the things you want to do, remind yourself, you can always, always, always find a minute, and that a mere minute is sometimes longer than you think.

In fact, this post probably took you around 40 seconds to read.

Kelly Croy  • Speaker, Artist and Educator • Invite Kelly to speak at your event!

www.KellyCroy.com  •  info@kellycroy.com  •  1-800-831-4825 


The Ultimate Answers to the 4 Most Frustrating Questions on Achieving Goals

Some people make a joke of goals and resolutions, some hate them, and some obsess over them. There are some, I hope, that are in between these extremes.

Regardless of where you stand, I am sure you would like to improve your life in some areas. Maybe you are unsure whether setting goals and resolutions is worth it. Perhaps you are someone that keeps setting the same goals and resolutions each year and feels frustrated.

Wherever you are, whatever you are thinking, I hear you.  I want to help. I want to share with you some insight to living an amazing year.

So let me share with you now some powerful insight to goals and resolutions:

1. Should I set goals each year?

Yes. You absolutely should set goals. It really doesn’t matter if you do it on New Year’s Eve, your birthday, or the first day of vacation. All that matters is that you set some goals that will hold you somewhat accountable to becoming a better self. If you are new at goal setting, keep it simple and write down just a few.

2. What goals should I set?

Well, everybody is different. Setting goals is really like your future self speaking to you and telling you what to avoid and what to focus on. Goal setting is really a time of reflection on the type of person you want to be. It’s an opportunity to take inventory of your health, happiness, finances, relationships and more. Just like corporations sit down the most important leaders of the organization to plan for the year, this is your time to have a meeting with yourself and share some facts, numbers, goals, and ideas.

I suggest asking my three favorite questions: What should I stop doing? What should I start doing? What should I keep doing? These are powerful questions.

Setting goals isn’t just about you. When you improve, everything around you improves.

3. How can I make goal setting work when it’s failed me in the past, and failed just about everyone I know?

The reason people don’t achieve their goals comes down to one single concept: consistency. Anyone can diet for a day? Some can even go running, once. But to do it every day is the challenge. You have to make yourself accountable for both your actions and inactions.

You need to build habits, daily habits, of consistency. Do a little bit every day. It adds up and eventually you will see results.

To build up your consistency you need to build up your tenacity. Tenacity is simply this fire within you about WHY you want what you want. You build that fire by thinking about those you love around you that will benefit from your actions and suffer from your inactions.

The life you want won’t magically arrive via FedEx or a prescription; it will be built slowly with consistent habits and an unquenchable fire to improve.

4. How can I keep myself accountable?

If you can find an accountability partner in a spouse, friend, or co-worker, then do it. Make sure it is someone who has achieved the results you want to replicate in your life. Make certain they will be able to check in with you daily. If you can afford to hire an accountability partner for one of your goals, then do it. We would all have personal trainers, personal chefs, and counselors if we could afford it. I will be coaching a select few people this year to help them with their goals for 2017. If you are interested please contact me.

The next best solution, I believe, is scheduling an accountability meeting with yourself each month. That’s twelve meetings a year.  Use your birth day number to remember the day you will meet. Since I was born on July 28th, I review my goals and resolutions each month on the 28th. It goes on the calendar just like an important meeting, because it is.

My monthly accountability check-in involves a few important elements. It’s more involved than just reviewing my goals. I review my goals EVERY day. It involves measurement. It involves reality. It involves adjustment. What do I mean by this? Well, if I have set financial goals or fitness goals then this time each month is a review of how well I have done on some sort of measurement scale. I document my progress. I bring others in to validate when needed.  Finally, I figure out what is working, and what is not and readjust my plan. This last step is important because you can’t keep doing the same things if you aren’t getting the desired results. Sometimes I make a call to a friend during this time and talk to them about how my goals are coming along and ask for advice.

Accountability is the trick. How many days in the last thirty did I work on this goal? How much have I gained or lost? How would I rate my commitment over the last month? How can I do better? And again… What should I stop doing? What should I start doing? What should I keep doing?

Set some goals if you haven’t already. Schedule a meeting with yourself once a month on your birth date. Measure your progress. Readjust your process.

If you do act on these, you WILL see measurable gains.

Should I hire a coach? Yes, but only if you can afford it. You can accomplish much with the right resources. (If you are interested in working with me as your coach this year, please send me an email.)

Kelly Croy  • Speaker, Artist and Educator • Invite Kelly to speak at your event!
www.KellyCroy.com   •  1-800-831-4825 

Starting a Gift Basket Tradition

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Deep down we all want to be generous. I truly believe we all want to help others.

I know many people who go out of their way to help others. It is always inspiring to me to see the generosity of others in action and to hear about anonymous acts of charity. 

Years ago I read about a man who started a tradition of giving a gift basket to those less fortunate. He had received one when he was young, and that act of kindness and genorosity had made a tremendous impact on him. Many years later he started his own tradition of giving a gift basket away and it grew from just one basket to tens of thousands. Imagine that. 

Ever since I read that story, somewhere in the back of my head I have always wanted to do something similar. My family has been generous to other families, and we have our charities, but like the man I read about, I wanted to make a more personalized gift in the form of a gift basket. I think it would be rewarding and helpful to actually choose specific items that I believe could not only bring joy but make a difference as well. I want to include not only a few gifts, but some tools to help that family change the direction of their lives. 

This year I am going to start a tradition of giving away gift basket. I am inviting my family members and others to join in, if they feel so called. This first year, it will probably be only one basket, but maybe I can get mine to grow. If not, I am sure even this one basket, this one act, will be helpful. I am going to include a couple of gift cards, something fun, something tasty, a copy of my book Along Came a Leader because I know it can transform someone’s thoughts and actions, and some notes of inspiration and joy from me and my family. 

I know many will appreciate receiving a gift. I also know some people are in very tough situations and need real help. Others need direction; some people just don’t know some of the life lessons we do, and they would benefit from that advice. Many just need to know that other people care.

If you already do something like this I would love for you to comment and tell me what you include. That would be helpful. I’d also love to know how you choose the family.

If you’d like to join me in adding to my basket, send me an email or use the contact form. I think combining our ideas and resources could be fun and meaningful. I also think if just do it yourself and follow through on your own it may even be more meaningful. 

Here’s what I am thinking so far:

• a cash card.

• a bag of chocolates.

• a card with an inspiring note. 

• a copy of my book Along Came a Leader.

• a copy of another book that changed my life. 

• a gift card to a book store with a note to pursue a dream. 

• movie tickets for the whole family because everyone needs a night of joy. 

• a board game because it’s fun and has the potential to bring everyone in the house together. 


Kelly Croy  • Speaker, Artist and Educator • Invite Kelly to speak at your event!
www.KellyCroy.com  •  info@kellycroy.com  •  1-800-831-4825 



A Beginner’s Guide to a Successful Day:

Don’t be:

  • bitter
  • anxious
  • mean-spirited
  • a gossiper
  • negative
  • a worrier
  • wasteful
  • distant
  • late
  • sloppy


  • kind
  • happy
  • confident
  • productive
  • athletic
  • disciplined
  • grateful
  • resourceful
  • loving
  • positive
  • an encourager
  • present
  • prepared
  • a smiler

What would you add?

It’s amazing really how the removal of a single bad habit, or the start of a new, empowering habit, can make a tremendous difference in your life and the lives of everyone you come in contact.