A Spiritual Resolution for 2009

moses_blessing_zoomI have decided to read the entire Old Testament in 2009.  It is quite an undertaking, but something I am looking forward to accomplishing. First of all, I am embarrassed to admit that I have never read all of the Old Testament. My devotion to scripture has been focused nearly entirely on the New Testament.  I have jumped around from book to book  in the Old Testament, but I have not read it through from start to finish.  Second, there is much in the Old Testament that confuses me when I read it; another great reason to give it more attention.  It is so difficult for me to understand how Noah lived to be 950 years old and I am not even 40 yet, but I know devoting this time to God’s word will only strengthen my faith.  There are greater miracles in the Bible than a man living to be 950 years old, but it challenges me to make connections with the word.

I am focusing on this spiritual resolution in the same way I do physical challenges and goals.  I want to make spiritual gains and I realize it will take time.  I need to do small workouts each day and build myself up to longer sessions.  Also, you always workout better with a partner, so I plan to share my progress and questions with others whose spiritual strength I admire.  I plan on keeping a workout log of my readings, discoveries, and challenges in my journal.  In the end, just like training for a race, I know that I will grow and gain strength from this excellent devotion to scripture.

I will revisit this spiritual resolution in a few months and let you know where I’m at and what I have discovered.  

If you feel like joining me send me a note, I would enjoy the company.

Kelly is an inspirational speaker, author, and artist. Please visit our website to book Kelly for your next event. www.kellycroy.com info@kellycroy.com 1-800-831-4825

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